o0oSPRINGo0oedinorog on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/edinorog/art/o0oSPRINGo0o-120199522edinorog

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edinorog's avatar




With this image I am hoping to question all of you my dear friends.
Have you seen corn fields in the spring time? Did you notice how they move and sometimes you hear beautiful and peaceful sounds coming from the field. Did you never felt like they are speaking with you? That they are alive?
With this image I am introducing to you the birth of spring, the beginning of spring. Plants are starting to grow and like that birdie, they are singing to every sunrise because it is giving warmth and hope to them. They are giving some respect back to the sun and share their happiness with everyone around, by singing.
Just look at that fury birdie how joyfully and respectfully it responds to warm sun rays.
This is my entry for competition “Before & After”.
I took that stock image from this wonderful gallery [link] by Arctic-Stock.
Thanks for viewing have a nice day
Image size
1200x1600px 1.32 MB
Samsung Techwin
Digimax V50/a5
Shutter Speed
1/250 second
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Jan 1, 2004, 2:19:54 AM
© 2009 - 2025 edinorog
anonymous's avatar
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Milarcha's avatar
So beautiful and... strange. I love it. :heart: And what you've written about spring, it's awesome. So beautiful indeed. :heart:

Actually I have thought about that same thing, that corn fields speak to us, that they are alive. :love: Though I think everything in nature speaks to us as well. Especially trees. :D