MHA/Dark Phoenix - The ArtifactedCOM02 on DeviantArt

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MHA/Dark Phoenix - The Artifact



Iida: "So this is an actual alien artifact. Fascinating."

Uraraka: "It looks beautiful."

Bakugou: "Hmph. Whatever. Looks like a piece of junk to me."

Deku: *muttering about aliens, life beyond our world and questioning about who made the artifact and what its purpose is.*

Mr. Fantastic: "Please be careful with that. This artifact is emitting a high percentage of cosmic radiation contained inside."

Deku: "R-Radiation?! Is it lethal, and what could possibly be inside that could contain such an amount?"

Mr. Fantastic: "I cannot say for certain at the moment, the container is merely a precaution. I'm still attempting to figure this out, but I believe in theory it should be safe to handle... as long as you don't break it of course."

On the space station, Deku, Uraraka and Iida (Bakugou on the other hand not interested) get a look at the alien artifact that was found hidden on Mars and brought back to the station via a probe. Their instructor Reed Richards/Mister Fantastic cautions them to be careful not to mess or break it as whatever is contained inside, that unknown to them being the dormant Phoenix Force, is emitting a huge amount of cosmic radiation.

Drawn on pencil and ink, traced in Illustrator and colored in Photoshop by me. 
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onnoval666's avatar

for som reason i read Comic energy instead of Cosmic