Who am IEchofeather on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/echofeather/art/Who-am-I-115896616Echofeather

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Echofeather's avatar

Who am I



This is fanart for :iconagoraphobic-blue: this is her character Riaka from her animation Vindicated. My scanner isn't big enough to capture the whole pic, so a lot of it's cut off. and it's blury because when the glass on my scanner doesn't touch 100 percent of the pic, it blurs. I'm sorry it doesn't look that great. and the yellow thing is the moon, not the sun. I'm suposed to get a new printer within the next couple months, so if I can capture a bigger resolution, I will.

this is my last pic before I go on my trip tomarow

done with watercolor and acrylics on a bristol board
Image size
637x877px 110.83 KB
© 2009 - 2025 Echofeather
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Miiroku's avatar
*Face palm* WHY have I not seen this yet? This is so awesome. :heart: (Even if it's a year old) I LOVE how you did the fluffy on her neck. You did the whole background so cool, the glow of the moon is epic. Thank you so much. :glomp: