Needless to say I don't know what to say.
Current Residence: The Midwest
deviantWEAR sizing preference: Tight.
Print preference: I'm not a picky kid.
Favourite genre of music: Horror Rock, Glam Rock, Death & Black Metal, Thrash, most Rock 'n Roll.
Favourite photographer: If you're good, I like you.
Favourite style of art: Traditional, digital, performance.
Operating System: Windows Vista
MP3 player of choice: ipod
Shell of choice: ...
Wallpaper of choice: Magazine clippings, band posters, and MLP related.
Skin of choice: ...I thought we discussed this?
Favourite cartoon character: Amalthea from The Last Unicorn.
Personal Quote: "She only killed me to meet the Grim Reaper"
Anime, colored pencils pieces.
Anime, CGed pieces.
Abstract Digital People (ie: Lily Red)
None of the above, something completely new!
Other, please state.