It isn't much I can say about myself except I'm very gifted in my drawings. I respect each and everyone of you with your gifts. It is precious continue in using it well. By the way if anyone is interest in any of my prints email me and we'll set something up. I will work with you with the price. My email address is
Current Residence: Dayton, OH
deviantWEAR sizing preference: XL
Favourite genre of music: Hip-Hop and R&B
Favourite photographer: N/A
Favourite style of art: Portraits
Operating System: Windows Vista Ultimate
MP3 player of choice: N/A
Shell of choice: N/A
Wallpaper of choice: N/A
Skin of choice: N/A
Favourite cartoon character: Bugs Bunny
Personal Quote: You can achieve anything to want if you have it in you to do it.