Rainy days make for great.... tours. :)EarthnAshes on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/earthnashes/art/Rainy-days-make-for-great-tours-898264758EarthnAshes

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Rainy days make for great.... tours. :)


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The last thing either expect during the tour of Metro Kingdom's grand city park is a bout of torrential rain. It came in so suddenly too, the clear sky and warm sun suddenly blotted out by thick blackening clouds. A roar of thunder follows closely behind a brilliant flash of lightning, and before Peach and Pauline know it they're sprinting as fast as their heels would allow.

By the time they find shelter underneath a sturdy tree they're soaked to the bone. The two quietly ring out as much water from their clothes as they can before they settle against the (thankfully) dried roots of the tree; Peach figures it'll be quite some time before the storm lets up. So the two wait, both staring out into the rain without a word.

And it's so strange, because Peach usually doesn't do well with simply sitting. Waiting. The newfound pressure of running the kingdom paired with no new developments (good and bad) of her father's health usually keeps tension in her shoulders, keeps her spine straight and rigid, and more often than not Peach tries to keep busy to avoid the silence. To avoid letting her mind wander.

But here... Peach doesn't feel the familiar itch to move, to fidget with her fingers or play with her hair to substitute the need to pace. Neither say anything for a stretch of time, but it's surprisingly peaceful, the quiet broken only by the occasional growl of thunder and the rhythmic pitter-patter of downpour. She looks out at the screen of rain, a little in awe; the weather back home is much more predictable and mild in comparison, and with the beginnings of fog rising lazily from the ground, the rainfall almost looks like a disjointed waterfall.

Peach can't quite remember the last time she's felt this relaxed. She settles deeper against the surprisingly warm wood of their tree, sighing out loud and letting the moment blanket over her.

Pauline: Princess Peach?

A pleasant tingle begins in her scalp and ends at the base of her spine (Pauline always remembers to call her "Princess", never "Queen"), and Peach turns to the mayor with a content, questioning hum. The other woman looks at her with fondness in her eyes, but there's something rueful in her face when she offers a smile.

Pauline: I... would like to apologize.

Peach: (Sits up and angles her body more toward the mayor, her eyelids fluttering in surprise) Wh-- apologize? Whatever for?

Pauline: (Gestures vaguely at the continued downpour of rain, her smile shifting into something sheepish) For getting us caught in this mess. Metro Kingdom is unpredictable in many ways; one such way is the weather, unfortunately. (She tugs her beloved hat off and runs her fingers through her thick hair with a sigh) If I weren't so eager to give you the tour, I would've had the sense to at least check the forecast.

It admittedly takes longer than it should have for Peach to process what Pauline said. But when it finally does, Peach raises her hand to halt a giggle; it does little to actually stop it though. Instead it grows into a quiet shoulder-shaking laugh when Pauline raises an eyebrow at her, her smile becoming both bemused and, if possible, all the fonder.

Pauline: Your laugh is delightful, my darling, but I’m afraid I must’ve missed something?

Peach: (waves a hand in front of her, cheeks warm under the praise, as her laughter finally eases) No, no. I’m sorry, you didn’t say anything funny. It’s just.. You’ve nothing to apologize for.

Pauline: Oh?

Peach: Yes. (She shifts so she’s mostly leaning on one hand, shifting again to fully look at Pauline. The other comes up to gesture at herself) The past few weeks have been a flurry of activity for me. Hosting leaders of allied kingdoms, being hosted in their kingdoms following that. I know it’s expected of a newly crowned Q-.... princess. But it’s been an experience. Not an entirely pleasant one, either.

The princess turns her gaze back out to the storm, breathing in the earthy smell of wet soil and rain. Her breath fogs in the cool air when she sighs out, weariness seeping away from her body and replaced with something lazy, content.

Peach: It doesn’t rain like this at home; it even feels different here.

Pauline: (chuckling a little) I certainly hope it’s a good sort of different, then.

Peach: (Nods her head with a pleasant hum) It is. Back home it feels… sad. Dreadful, I suppose. But here, it’s almost homey, as strange as that sounds. But… I think that’s because of you.

Unaware of the look of shock Pauline sends her way, Peach smiles wistfully, her eyes still glued to the pouring rain. She sighs again, a little deeper this time, bashful in her admittance but refusing to freeze on just that last thought alone.

Peach: T-that must sound so silly; I barely know you. But I-.... You listen to me, not just what I’m saying. Ever since my coronation I’ve had to meet and speak to so many people, and sometimes it feels like they just see my title. But with you I-- I like talking to you. You feel--

When she finally turns to look at Pauline, it’s to meet a stare with so much intensity it speeds up her heart. The tall woman has mirrored her pose somewhat- sitting on the side of her hip, supporting most of her weight on one hand- but she’s fully leaning in Peach’s direction.

The blonde can’t help but study Pauline then; the tilt to her head, the curve of her nose, the arch in her eyebrows. Her eyeshadow, how her long lashes nearly flutter against the rise of her cheeks they’re so heavy-lidded. How dark her eyes are, as grey as the skies cradling the storm around them.

Peach: (Her breath catches in her throat) --safe.

Pauline: (leans a little closer, her voice acquiring a strange roughness to it) Yeah?

Peach feels another tingle run down her spine at the rasp and finds she can’t get the words out anymore. Instead she just barely nods, too focused on holding Pauline’s gaze, and the air suddenly holds a charged headiness to it. When had Pauline gotten so close? When did she start leaning toward the taller woman? Peach can’t quite grasp any thought that flies through her head for an answer, but she finds she isn’t at all bothered by it.

It’s only when Peach’s eyes shift onto Pauline’s lips-- and stares long enough for a sharp smile to begin curling there-- that the trance is broken. Peach licks her own lips and quickly turns her head to hide her reddening face, but judging by the throaty laugh Pauline gives, she still caught it.

Pauline: Then.. I’m happy I provide you that security. (Looks back out to study the sky, her heaving sigh unloading the remnants of the moment before) But I’d say I might’ve misstepped then; I still got you caught in this storm, and I don’t think it’ll stop anytime soon. (She stands with a grunt, then turns to regard Peach with one hand on her hip, her expression warm) You feel up for high-tailing it back to the theatre? At least there I can get us dry and continue the tour, if you’d like?

Peach: (smiles up at Pauline, trying to tamp down on the blush still heating her face. She daintily lifts a hand) I think I’d like that, yes.

The mayor reaches down, gently grasps the offered hand and, in one graceful motion, hoists Peach to her feet with ease. She doesn’t let go immediately after however; instead she takes a step closer, and much like she did on the day of Peach’s coronation her thumb strokes over her cold knuckles.

Pauline: (eyebrows furrow with concern, and she places her other hand atop of Peach’s in an attempt to warm it) Oh, my darling, your skin’s like ice! Are you cold?

Peach: (giggles faintly, charmed, but she can’t quite hide the shiver when a gust of rainy wind blows over them both. She uses her free hand to rub at her arm) Well… now that you mention it?

Pauline doesn’t say anything. In response she fully lifts Peach’s hand and places a gentle kiss to the knuckles. She grins at the renewed blush across the princess’ face when she releases her hand, and she leans back to give herself room to ease out of her crimson suit jacket. In one smooth motion-- with a little more flair than necessary-- she arches the jacket over Peach’s head to drape it onto her shoulders.

Peach allows it, standing a little stunned and more than a bit smitten, when the mayor adjusts the jacket to cover her almost like a blanket. She tugs on the lapels once, twice, her eyes studious and careful in their watch to make sure Peach was properly secure under its protection. It’s only when she seems satisfied does she stand to her full height, hands still grasping the lapels of her jacket as she regards the princess.

Pauline: (her face softens upon seeing flyaways falling before Peach’s eyes. Without really thinking her hand moves up, fingers gentle as they brush the bangs away and tucks them behind Peach’s ear) There now. Is that better?

Peach: (is once again struck speechless, clasping her hands together against her belly in hopes of easing the butterflies there) I… Y-yes, thank you. (She smiles up at the taller woman, but she hesitates when a thought occurs to her) But… what about you? Aren’t you cold?

Pauline gives a noncommittal hum as she slides her hands into her pockets, looking for all the world unbothered by the pitter-patter of the storm soaking her through again. Her hair sticks stubbornly to her cheeks even as she blows it out of her face, and when she sees Peach lift a hand to cover a giggle at the move, she grins.

Pauline: Oh, my dear, I'll be fine; it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve had to run in a storm. Besides-- (she grabs the rim of her beloved hat and gently places it atop Peach's head) -- I’m more concerned if you can keep up with me. I’ve noticed I might have more leg mileage than you do.

Peach: (A small bark of a laugh escapes her and she blinks up at Pauline in disbelief. She can’t quite keep the laugh out of her voice) Did you just call me short?

Pauline: (shrugs playfully, her grin becoming teasing) Maybe. Think you can keep up with me?

Peach: You want to race.

: (she nods, and her expression turns into something a little more smug) And I have just the prize in mind when I win.

Peach: (eyes alight with the clear challenge. She takes a step closer, her own smile growing) And what makes you so confident you’ll win?

Pauline: I’m pretty fast when I want to be.

Peach: And what if I’m faster? What do I get if I win?

Pauline: Anything you want from me.

Peach chooses then to step into Pauline’s space. In an unusual show of boldness her hand comes up and runs down the length of the mayor’s arm, and she delights in the way Pauline leans forward in response, almost towering over her yet still somehow remaining respectful, careful. Peach tilts her head up to regard the taller woman, worrying her bottom lip with a sharp canine, and it’s all she can do to repress a grin when she sees Pauline’s eyes dilate.

Peach: Yeah?

She says it with a breathy quality to her voice. Her fingers retrace their steps up Pauline's arm as she lets them "walk" along what little exposed skin there is, noting how goosebumps raise in their wake. She fights to keep the blush threatening to rise down and smiles up at the taller woman, and is pleased when she sees Pauline's gaze regain the same intensity from earlier. Utterly entranced.

Peach: Anything?

Pauline: (her own voice drops into a low growl, rough with promise) Anything.

Peach: (her hand finally reaches its destination upon Pauline’s chest, pushing feather-light against the cloth there) Then…

Without warning she shoves Pauline with surprising strength. The woman staggers with a grunt, eyes wide and blinking, and when she rights herself she sees that Peach has taken off into the downpour, her laughter twinkling like bells. Pauline feels her own bubbling in her chest and, with a sharp grin, she gives chase.

Game on.


Whew, that got a bit long!

I actually drew the art a long while ago, but hesitated on posting it outside Patreon because I really wanted to write a oneshot for it. Now that I have, here ya go!

In which Pauline gives Peach a tour of Metro Kingdom, but they get caught in a storm. But it turns out that it’s just the catalyst they need to get things a-rollin’. ;]

At any rate, thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! More to come soon! uwu

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