AU Headcanons: King Boo and the Kongs!EarthnAshes on DeviantArt

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AU Headcanons: King Boo and the Kongs!



About that time to start posting some of the patreon stuff, so here’s the designs and headcanons for King Boo, Donkey Kong, and Candy Kong! owo

-King Boo in this AU isn’t a villain and instead a god; the god of death to be specific. Like all gods (for example, Rosalina), he has little spirits to help him with his job, which is what the regular Boos are; instead of the souls of the dead, they are his little helpers who aid in ferrying the recently deceased to Evershade Valley.

As the creator of Boos, he is effectively their “father”, and he treats them as his children. Just as well; Boos are generally childlike and playful, but painfully shy; if they’re caught sight of, they try to hide by covering their faces with the impression of “if I can’t see them, they can’t see me!”

King Boo in this AU is far more friendly, and has a partnership with Luigi, who also aids in ferrying and retrieving lost souls from the mortal realm.

Because I wanted to make him much more approachable I designed him with a humanoid form, though like Rosalina he has set forms he can also shift into. One of which is his “fully boo” form, and another is an entirely human form to blend in with mortals upon visits. :)

-Donkey Kong may be the official Head Banana, but he himself doesn’t really see it that way. He at most acknowledges that he’s the protector of the island but doesn’t really see himself as any way above anyone else. He’s as casual as he is simplistic, perhaps the most simple amongst his clan, and it’s a nightmare to get him in clothes without ripping them. Aside from Diddy, girlfriend Candy Kong is easily DK’s best friend.

-Candy Kong is DK’s girlfriend and second-in-command, although she is the one who actually handles most of the political aspects of the island’s newly formed relation to the rest of the world. She adores 80s fashion, music, and a good workout. Despite being nearly as laidback as her boyfriend, Candy has a fiery competitive streak; she loves herself a challenge!


-Kong Isle is home to primarily the Kongs, a race of apes who are rather intelligent despite overall being simple-minded. They share space with a respectable population of Kremlings, most of which are defectors from K. Rool’s clan, which are led by Kalypso. As of recently, Kong Isle has been dubbed an official kingdom, and as such that officially makes DK the leadership of the island. While he’s often called a “king” amongst other kingdom leaders, DK is actually known as the “Head Banana” on his island.

-King Boo has a successor, but in doing so he is slowly allowing his magic to be transferred to said successor, which will eventually lead him into vanishing. It is not Luigi.

Kongs cannot speak. They at most can make ape noises and say a stray word or two, but none of them have the capacity to speak. They instead use sign language and writing to communicate. As such, the only time they’re seen “speaking” regularly is if they’re speaking to one another (for the convenience of the audience).

If you're curious: I included Donkey Kong Country into the Super Mario AU specifically because they, canonically, are connected. I will not be doing any other crossovers in this AU however!

At any rate, I hope you like what's shown thus far! More to come soon! ^.^

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KingBeeKingdom's avatar

me looking at King Boo "baby?? BABY?!"