Deviation Actions
Damn you Google maps! I said road to hotel not road to hell you inept algorithm!
Just a few more days left of the Halloween season and as another day passes I upload another spooky poster to celebrate the month.
And this one's theme should be pretty self-explanatory both in the naming and visuals without the hint at the beginning of the description. It was a fairly basic idea of a family being terrorized in their car taking a wrong turn resulting in them being attacked by damned souls and surrounded by walls of flame. They accidentally drove into hell somehow in case you're dense.
It was going to be farmland once again with the fields lit ablaze and the flame reaching dozens of feet in the sky with the main camera angle being from the hood of the car has either black skeletons or the charred corpse model from half-life 2 was doing the assaulting basically being either demons or damned souls. Finding the right car model was once again a pain as I needed one with a proper interior that maybe fit the TF2 style and windows that could be seen through. This one technically worked although the 1st iteration with clear windows had the stupid metallic texture glitch where it glowed but the 2nd model which is what I used had the windows all charred which kind of worked but as you can tell I literally had to move the front window and side window next to the mother out of the frame so you could actually see the family.
Posing the family was quite easy although I had to move the camera closer to more easily see them and not have the backup mirror block anybody. The flame itself was a pain in the ass has finding a proper wall of fire was very difficult and it still not quite high enough has I wanted it to go offscreen but it worked out fine enough I suppose. I also left out any other details in trying to make it look like a road figuring it was more of a hassle and it's fine enough has is to get the general idea across without adding too many details to make it much more work.
Posing the burnt bodies had some difficulties and I wish they had face flexes or the ability to open their jaw. I considered using other bodies or skeletons but stuck with just the one and I was hoping people wouldn't mistake them for just burn victims, although it's not like anyone that burned could remotely be alive lol. But people are rather dense and they are supposed to be evil spirits or damned souls doing the attacking.
And that's about it minus some lighting getting the colors right sticking with a reddish hue to light up the cars and bodies. It turned out relatively nice although I could've maybe added the road and scenery and found better flames or did some stacking to make it look like they were just driving down some random dirt road, then boom! AC/DC music starts blaring! But maybe I'll remake it someday and I'm sort of getting a different idea with the same premise but a different scenario.
But if you also enjoyed this then stick around has there's only 2 left plus the bonus on Halloween itself left to be uploaded in the remainder of this spooky month so we got a little bit of creepy time still left