Don't Open What You Find In Hidden PlacesDyslexicGamer on DeviantArt

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Don't Open What You Find In Hidden Places



Don't go peeking around in other people's shit you stupid bitch!

Anyway, another ambitious project similar to the 1st with me thinking it may actually be harder possibly needing some tricks with gimp 2 but everything worked out relatively okay. The trick I did in this one was nice until I noticed a few flaws later which I could've fixed but chose not to to leave in the imperfections which happened a lot this season choosing to show my learning process. ( Also being lazy and wanting to get them done before October lol )

the basic premise was just someone opening a box probably a girl with monsters coming out which was going to be in a room or basement with me later deciding a pond shop would be more fitting. Because of the trope which existed from I think about the 1980s to somewhere around the 2000s with it usually being a pond shop or more often antique shop with bonus points if it's a Chinese antique shop. Obviously like Gremlins from 1984 ( damn it's that old.... ) And like various TV shows with I guess people stop using them as maybe they were all killed by Walmart or the trope played itself out.

I wanted a first-person perspective straight out of a goosebumps book ( another obvious inspiration in fact I'm 90% sure there was a cover just like this ) with a girl with me wanting someone new and not like Miss Pauling again has she's been overused or the kingdom hearts girl ( Kairi ) one more freaking time so I decided to use Violet Parr from The Incredibles from 2004.

Who I'm 90% sure is a God damn porn model slightly toned down....

Wouldn't be the 1st time for the SFM workshop! And what is she like 14 you creepy bastards! Why would you actually put this on the workshop anyway? Or make it....

Anyway using her non-creepy skin she fit nicely behind the camera just showing off her arms with the main focus being all of the creepy crawlies crawling out of the box! With several being cosmetics such as, Lollichop Licker, Parasight, and the Larval Lid with more going to be there but they couldn't quite fit in. Of coarse I had plenty of tentacles with the octopus model one from the invasion update source pack a random skull the bread monster a random finger and eyeball to fit all of the weird creepy shit that's stereotypically used as decoration.

A couple hands one from I think the Jersey Devil from the Wolf among us ( yes ) on the right side another one being a zombie hand of the scout taken from a trick-or-treat pumpkin which I can't seem to find the model again and I'd have to do the stupid password to login on my browser and I don't feel like launching steam just to look.

And a crab hand from the fallout 4 crab monster I'm too lazy to look up the name for! Also a scorpion, just a scorpion that was probably right near her finger when she opened it.... Legit probably the most dangerous part and realistic lol.

It was quite involved posing everything with me wanting to use a snake model but the joints did not quite bend in the right direction making it a pain to use with me trying to fill every little cranny to cover up the bottom of the box and make it look positively packed.

Note the monsters and things aren't supposed to be just crammed into a regular box! Has that would be rather ridiculous and not what I was going for. It's either supposed to be bigger on the inside like the tartarus from doctor who or simply have a portal to some monster realm at the bottom the things are coming out of.

Which if you look closer you can see green being a green screen prop placed down at the bottom with it being originally black using the Customizable gobo strips model before I switched it up to give it a eerie green glow to make it look more supernatural. Then I added green lighting which by sheer accident shined upon Violet's face making this amazing effect and added greatly to the atmosphere.

You're probably wondering, nice reflection effect ( which I totally did not forget to talk about earlier lol ) well thanks! But it's not an effect and if you paid attention close enough you probably noticed. There is a way to make reflections but it's definitely too complex for my blood so I used a bit of a cheat that worked out fantastic minus a few errors that slipped by. And if you're wondering being too dense to figure it out,

I copied and flip the models of Violet the box and the vanity mirror adding the wall and door behind her.

Which I think it's pretty freaking amazing myself although I did eventually decide to make the flipped vanity mirror invisible has I did not like the doubling up of the border around the mirror, which technically would be more accurate in real life now that I think of it so I screwed up there. Also her hands....

Yes I forgot to change her hands position when I copied and fliped her not noticing until I was done rendering several days later...

And since I was on a know fixing flaws policy at least if they were minor I'd like to think of it as a nice little Easter egg proving it's not a reflection giving it some legitimacy has a filmmaking trick. Also just now as I'm typing this may be some supernatural effect altering reality or something stupid like that has an excuse for my ineptitude and lack of foresight. And yes you can see the floor behind her because there's no 2nd vanity and I also copied several of the things in the box but due to the angle of the lid there was no need.

And finally has one last complaint the shadow on her eyes makes it look like there half closed and she's less frightened than she actually is which I did consider fixing has I was making it but I like the angle of her head so I left it has is.

But overall I'm generally proud of this 1st experimentation with fake reflections the 1st I've ever done despite the obvious overlook flaws but I'd say it's one of my best work yet and a rough 1st step to more experimental filming techniques in SFM works.

And if you would like to see more there's 11 more horrifying images coming down the pipe over the next creepy month so there's plenty to get your spooky on this holiday season

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