I'm just some dude who really likes this website and wanted to post some pictures and considering this is one of the best sites out there for doing it this is why I'm here. Feel free to check out my videos on YouTube and my screenshots and artwork on steam. And one more thing, DON'T! SEND! ME! ANY! FUCKING! LLAMAS! I'M BEING SERIOUS!!!!
Rest in peace classic deviantart, It was fun
Shameless self-promotion is shameless
hi dyslexic gamer, i'm sorry for what i did in your [REDACTED]YouAndYourLlama group back in like 2019 to 2020. i was an immature guy back then, but now i'm good. i hope you accept my apology. -ReefChong
Why are you apologizing? That was trivial that group is like 90% a joke
I mean back in like 2019 to 2020, i was like "OMG YOU HATE LLAMAS HOW DARE YOU!?!?!?!" but now, I've realized my mistakes, and I deeply regret it.
That still trivial and not worth worrying about