PopcornDymarob on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dymarob/art/Popcorn-922330736Dymarob

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Dymarob's avatar




I'm not proud of how this comic looks. It looks like the Simpsons Season 1. I need to practice drawing different environments and characters.

Anyway, this comic is based on something that actually happened when I was a kid. This afterschool class that I was in once brought us to the movies and paid for small popcorns for everyone. We came too early though and I ate all my popcorn before the movie even started. I was bored.

Buy me a coffee if you want to see the sketch.
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6300x6900px 3.42 MB
© 2022 - 2025 Dymarob
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I did this when I was younger. The popcorn and soda would be gone before even the coming attractions finished. Now I'm older, and my metabolism generally won't let me eat a whole bag of popcorn now.