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Alright, let's try this again.
I originally did an AMA post back in November, but after a while, most of the questions I got ended up being about Penny's nudism and I got worried that newcomers would enter, read these questions, and get the wrong idea about what my comic is and never come back, so I deleted it out of paranoia. Sorry.
With the milestone of my 400th comic, I feel like enough time has passed to try again. I don't want to forbid people from asking questions if they are genuinely asking, so I thought I should mention all of this upfront to ease my mind. To anyone new, please read the 4th part of this post
By all means, ask what you want, but I have the right not to answer certain questions that I feel detracts from discussion or are just plain creepy.
With all that said, ask away.
Both: Whut yo favorite animated/cartoon movie?