DudeLetsDiet's avatar


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anonymous's avatar
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Chiyogami-Yuzen's avatar
Quick update here! I lost now together 15 kg/ 33 lbs. My waist was 114 cm and it is now 88 cm. I am very happy!
Komposed's avatar
I'd really like to join, but I'd like to know how I can become actively involved :)
AshleyxBrooke's avatar
Right  now we spend a lot of time in the #DudeLetsDiet chatroom. Join us there the next time you're around :aww:
Komposed's avatar
Thank you, I will pop in sometime :)
GerYah's avatar
I feel horrible because after a year of hard training and harsh discipline, I've slacked off for a few weeks. I've even had Frozen Yogurt a few times and I've had two ice creams from a Baskin Robins. :'-( 

I am used to training once in the morning and once at night. Now, it is hard to do one normal training session (1 hour 10 minutes each). I've backslid and I hope I can get back on the right track. 
SIG442's avatar
One or two frozen yoghurts won't do all too much to your body, just make sure to run a extra lap and you should be okay ;)
AshleyxBrooke's avatar
You got this! I just got back from vacation where I was pretty bad with my eating, so I too also need to get back into a routine :aww: