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anonymous's avatar
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Lavender-Dreamer's avatar
Hey, somebody knows if there's planning season 2?
Raifiel's avatar
I haven't heard anything
Lavender-Dreamer's avatar
Yeah, me too... and that scares me very much Llama Emoji-07 (Hopeless or Scared) [V1] 
durararadical's avatar
i actually contacted the supervisor of season one a few weeks ago!! he rarely updates his blog so hopefully i get a reply within the next two months. what the problem was was that even though its still rerunning in the UK, Disney XD was having problems getting enough viewers(?), so there they kinda gave up after the season one. im trying to contact the supervisor and see if theres anything we as fans can do to help fund or whatnot but i havent gotten a reply back. please feel free to screenshot this comment or attach it to the wiki cause ive been wanting to tell more people but i dont have a wiki account atm;;
AutoAshley's avatar
First day in the fandom!
BuyGoldBYE's avatar
Duuuude thanks for adding my picture to your group broskie.