Deviation Actions
So, I mentioned in my last art piece that I would practice and improve my digital art skills. I lied lol. No, but in truth I'm finding it a bit difficult to get into, especially after my mental health took a downturn in the past two weeks; I simply did not have the energy. I'm all right now, much more myself again As I logged in, I was surprised to see much love and encouragement from other deviants; it was unexpected. As my heart is so filled with many, many emotions, I thought I'd share a bit more about my inner world and submit this traditional art piece I did back in 2019. Unfortunately, the scanner did not pick up all the subtle colours, and the bottom couple of millimetres (where my original signature is) are cut off. I left it as is as I believe the top part of the image is more important anyway, and I added a digital signature on the bottom instead. It looks a bit out of place there, but it is also fitting; this is an out of place piece
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In this art piece, I envisioned the earth and moon as part of an alien landscape, two flowers swaying in the universe's energy. They are rooted and wholly connected to the "ground" that harbours the exuberant red/orange/purple grass representing our beloved star, the sun, and its radiation and gravitational force. It's such a delicate balance. If the fire-y grass were too close, it would destroy the two celestial flowers. But it is not. It's just far enough away to not hurt them, and the flowers are close enough to the grass so they are protected from the ethereal winds sent out by the universe.
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Thank you to all for your support xoxo
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Creative Commons — Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported — CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
You are free to share the material in any medium but please provide appropriate credit. Thank you!