Adorable Wittle Astolfo!!!DruidPeter on DeviantArt

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DruidPeter's avatar

Adorable Wittle Astolfo!!!



Hello again, everyone! Sorry for the... semi-extended hiatus? lol. It's a long story. Battling depression and economic woes. You know, the usual stuff. xD But what do we have here? Well, it's another one of my photomanips! I was watching a youtube video by the amazing and truly inimitiable Pantsahat , and I got to see one of the most adorable expressions on everyone's favorite trap/femboy anime character, lol. (Well... I think Venti's actually almost on part Astolfo by now... but I digress. xD)

So I thought to myself, "It's taking me forever to get any additional artwork out, but my photomanip skills are actually pretty good! Maybe I could use my special Photo to Artwork Digital Technique to turn what was originally a stop motion animation of a real life anime figuring into something that actually is a bit more artistic!"

And so I did. :meow:

Having said that, though, it was late at night, and I mostly whipped this out within an hour or two. So most of the photo-to-art process was concentrated on just Astolfo himself. I kind of... didn't really pay much attention to making the background look like it was the same style. Still, I think that the results are fairly good for only about an hour ish of work, lol. xD

By the way! I definitely recommend the video in question! You can watch the youtube video here: How to Get a Goth Girlfriend w/ a Dump Truck on Twitter. Pantsahat makes really great videos! I totally recommend subscribing to him! :D

I actually contacted pantsahat and got his permission before posting this Photomanip, as I was technically doing the photomanip on a single frame from his video. So... I guess it counts as a derivative work? Not entirely sure, but I thought getting his permission first was a good idea regardless. :D
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