A Spring! A Worm! A spring worm!DropsOfBlack on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/dropsofblack/art/A-Spring-A-Worm-A-spring-worm-370051194DropsOfBlack

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A Spring! A Worm! A spring worm!



My version of Caterpie/Wurmple. =D
Basically this fakemon is based on flower's self-pollination and cross-pollination. Some of you that study science should already know this. I'll briefly explain for those who dont know.

Flower is the sexual "organ" of the plant, sometimes flower can contain both "male" and "female" sexual organ at the same time. The "male" organ is known as anther, and the "female" is known as stigma. When pollen from anther makes contact with stigma, pollination occurs. However, there are two ways of doing it -- pollen from own anther, or pollen from another flower's anther. The former one is called "self pollination", while the latter one is called "cross pollination".

I'm done with the pollination thing, I said this fake is based on that right?
So the way to evolve this fake is also based on pollination, and there are two ways.
One is let it hits the level that are needed to evolve, another one is having two of it in party, and let both hold certain item (probably pollen) and level up each of them by one level.

Okay, this is getting long. I should stop now. =P Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

SPRINGLORET - (worm pokemon)
Name Origin: Spring + Floret
Type: Bug
Evolution Chain: (SPRINGLORET) (lvl 20) > (LUSSOMY) or (having two SPRINGLORET in party, have them hold "pollen", and lvl up both of them by one lvl) (BEREARLY)
Pokedex Entry: It moves by contracting and extending its spring-like body. When it's ready to evolve, it sprang up and down to scatter pollen.
HP 40
ATK 30
DEF 30
SP. ATK 45
SP. DEF 45
SPD 40

Favorites moves: splash, bounce, leech life

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