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The politically correct term for the drawing tips I've shown here are Macronarians, "big noses". Of which Brachiosaurus is a member, along with Camarasaurus, whose skulls are featured. Sauropod is kind of redundant, because it means "lizard foot", and I'm sorry, what kind of dinosaur isn't, again? Macronarians are so called because they had massive nose holes on their foreheads. FYI, the Brachiosaurus in Jurassic Park was incorrectly shown, nostril-wise. Curse you, Speilberg! (I still love the movie, though!)
Sauropods are awesome, because they're such a mystery. How did things so incredibly huge ever survive for so long? I tell ya, nothing really makes you wonder why man considers himself such a big screaming deal than walking underneath the skeleton of a Brachiosaurus. Once you really start looking at sauropods, they're totally rocking awesome creatures. Every bit of them is engineered to be lightweight and powerful. And they're still throwing scientists for a real loop as to how their giant necks and circulatory system worked, without having such high blood pressure that their arteries would have burst.
I did Macronarians because a character in Mark of the Conifer is an Astrodon, which was a relatively small Brachiosaurid. But the only real proof about them is their teeth, hence the name "star tooth". They're Maryland's state dinosaur, and I was born there! Small world.
I think I've rambled enough.
Sauropods are awesome, because they're such a mystery. How did things so incredibly huge ever survive for so long? I tell ya, nothing really makes you wonder why man considers himself such a big screaming deal than walking underneath the skeleton of a Brachiosaurus. Once you really start looking at sauropods, they're totally rocking awesome creatures. Every bit of them is engineered to be lightweight and powerful. And they're still throwing scientists for a real loop as to how their giant necks and circulatory system worked, without having such high blood pressure that their arteries would have burst.
I did Macronarians because a character in Mark of the Conifer is an Astrodon, which was a relatively small Brachiosaurid. But the only real proof about them is their teeth, hence the name "star tooth". They're Maryland's state dinosaur, and I was born there! Small world.
I think I've rambled enough.
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Did you ever do a tutorial for the Quetzalcoatlus or Stegosaurus?
Great work btw.
Great work btw.