
The mates ( poppy playtime rp starter )

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Literature Text

You awoke back to the main lobby of playtime Co toy factory .. as you slowly got up , you remembered running from kissy missy and getting rid of her . Poppy was besides you still haven't woken up yet .

You gently shook her awake , and she slowly opened her eyes . " h have we survived?.." poppy asked and you nodded your head yes .

You took notice of another door that you sure wasn't there before . A door that said " arcade "  . Since was there a arcade area for this toy factory? First the theater now this?

You gently picked up poppy and to your surprise , this door was actually unlocked!

So you went in carefully . Prepared for whatever nightmare is waiting for them both .

Plot : you go into the arcade area of the poppy playtime Co toy factory ,and to your horror.  Encounter blanket Belle * huggy wuggys mate . And my poppy playtime sona . * and find out that huggy wuggy isn't dead . Will you survive them both? 

Listen making roleplay starters are fun ! Plus I turned Belle s area a arcade because I didn't have any ideas , but I might change it into something else when I do get an idea! 

Rules : no NSFW or fetishes, no bullying or bigotry, no overpowered characters 

I roleplay in comments, notes and chats 

Comment if you want to roleplay! 

Poppy playtime belongs to mob games 
© 2021 - 2025 drn1234
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