Kratos 2025 drn1234 on DeviantArt

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Kratos 2025




Here's something I forgot to mention. I'm redesigning Kratos ,king,and some of the other pokemon owned by phobos and auditor!

The rest will be drawn tomorrow.

Ps, yes I turned Kratos albino like king. XD plus I wanted to give Kratos a justification for being huge and built like bricks.

Kratos info so far.

. The male tricky/dark/mx type tribrid of trickur/umbreon/entitwine.

. Alert to sounds!

. Silly nature.

. Intimidate ability and improbable hidden ability.

. Moveset is stone edge,crunch, tentashock ,stop sign bash, Lunge, pursuit.

. Hitting him hits you than it does him.

. He always remembers enemies.

. A goofy Boi when it comes to phobos family and phobos friends.

. Is phobos champion stud when it comes to trickur breeding.

. A goofy Boi when it comes to phobos family.

. Expert hunting ,guard and attack pokemon.

. Will spin around happily when excited,might accidentally bonk things with his tail in the process.

. Chews on bones on opponents.

. Loves fetch.

. Owned by director phobos.

. Used to be a cookie hoarder when he was a wee bby.

. Leader of his pack of trickurs and family. Mate of skye the trickur. Though he's second in command when it comes to king the gestalterror tribrid.

Madness combat belongs to krinkels

Mario 85 belongs to razzdazzledoo

Pokemon belongs to gamefreak and Nintendo

Fakemon and oc belongs to me

Image size
2472x3296px 1.28 MB
Galaxy A14 5G
Shutter Speed
740/10000 second
Focal Length
4 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Jan 15, 2025, 8:50:25 PM
© 2025 drn1234
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