On the Backs of 1000 CranesDriiehl on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/driiehl/art/On-the-Backs-of-1000-Cranes-645767250Driiehl

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On the Backs of 1000 Cranes



I absolutely loved this movie. Every asset was a beautiful work of art, and the story was unique and exhilarating. As a Japanese American I was so happy to see the Japanese culture being portrayed in this new and interesting way, separate from pop culture (i.e. anime). Since the story hit so close to home, I based this image on a popular Japanese good luck tradition. It's said that if one completes and strings together 1000 Paper Cranes, they will be granted one wish (or good fortune, in some versions). At the end of the story, Kubo has the ultimate wish, and here I wanted to show him getting the opportunity to make that wish come true.
Image size
3300x5100px 25.83 MB
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