Drew Hopper is a fine art travel and landscape photographer, when he isn’t travelling he calls Australia home. Captivated by the diversity of cultures, people and environment, Drew ventures far and wide to capture pictures that define his experiences with the vision that they will impact and inspire an audience in a way individual to each viewer.
Drew’s curiosity for different ways of living have influenced the desire to travel to new and unfamiliar territories. With a talented eye Drew captures stunning images and works with humility, respect and a light footprint. Drew is a regular contributor to Australian Geographic, covering assignments throughout Australia. He also regularly contributes to Australian Photography magazine writing photo articles and judges monthly contests, and has work featured in numerous travel, photography and lifestyle magazines worldwide.
Website: www.drewhopperphotography.com/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Drew-Ho...
Google+: plus.google.com/u/0/+DrewHoppe...
Very nice gallery!
Well done! 👍