From the moment that I could hold a pencil I have been drawing, whether it’s a quick doodle in the margin of a notepad or a full completed image, it doesn’t matter, as long as I’m drawing I am happy. As my skills developed more throughout life, I decided to make it my life.
I have completed a Diploma in Cartooning and Illustration from the Australian Collage of Journalism and a Bachelor of Arts (Multimedia) specialising in Animation & Special Effects from Charles Sturt University.
My professional career includes freelance work for Asperity Employee Benefits, Millington Associates and Travellers Essentials. I have also worked for three years as an Advertising Artist for Sensis Australia Pty, designing Adverts for the Yellow Pages Directories.
In the end of 2008 and the beginning of 2009 I had a short comic strip run of ‘Angry Can’ printed in Beat, a Street press magazine in Melbourne Australia. Along with that I have regularly worked on pencils and colours for various projects for ‘Speakeasy Primates’ an independent comic collective producing comics and the RKYV online e-zine.
I draw, design and create at every opportunity that I get, and I hope that Life offers me many more of them.
Current Residence: Albury, NSW, Australia
Favourite genre of music: Indie Rock (Triple J radio station)
Favourite style of art: All
Operating System: Vista
MP3 player of choice: My Sony Ericsson Xperia Play
Shell of choice: Halfshell
Wallpaper of choice: Doctor Who
Favourite cartoon character: Samurai Jack / TMNT