Drecanic's avatar


Like a real artist, but worse.
77 Watchers159 Deviations

Summary of Art

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DRAKEFORD's avatar
Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
  • June 26
  • United Kingdom
  • Deviant for 11 years
  • He / Him
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (102)
Heart: Love is in the air, someone is thinking of you! (1)
Silver Fragment: Setting the silver standard of greatness!
My Bio

Oh no, oh man, oh gee. It's me - it's Dregan, woah boy!

So I'm a guy with way too many characters and way too little commitment to the 10,000 crafts through which I varyingly decide to share and portray them. When I was young I reeeaaally wanted to be an artist... but after a string of Ds and Es in Art, decided it really wasn't my thing.


I can't promise to post consistently, or with any sort of quality, but I CAN promise you at least one thing.

It's me. It's Dregan.

Woah boy!

Other places you can find me;



The Chapel of Wrestling Spirits? 2.0? Well whatever does that mean? Weeeell about... wow, 5 years ago now? I had a little writing project! A wrestling promotion by the name of C.O.W.S, to which people submitted their characters, for promos, matches, and stories! Ooor at least that was the idea. It didn't make it super far. You can find the original over on Furaffinity if you're curious!; https://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/dregan/folder/278344/C-O-W-S You're probably already getting where this is going at this point. Yes, I'm going to be attempting the project once more! Fresh start, from the top - and will hopefully get a li'l further this time. And once more, I'mma gonna need characters from you guys! Few things to run over first though; C.O.W.S is a SFW project! I don't mind flirty or somewhat sexualised characters, variety is the spice of life and all that, but here we're looking at wrassling in the traditional sense. No erotica here! Multiple characters are allowed! Though
anonymous's avatar
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'Sup guys? It's that time of year again! ART FIGHT! Last year was my first time participating. Now, plus one year's experience, I'm at it again! For those of you who don't know, Art Fight is like... a big yearly mass Art Trade. People sign up, throw up some characters, and then do art for other participants throughout July to earn points for their team! A somewhat more in-depth explanation can be found here; https://artfight.net/info/about This year, I'm gonna be on Team Steampunk! So all y'all who wanna fight, get on here, and fite me; https://artfight.net/~Dregan
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Character QnAs

0 min read
So hey yo y'all! Some of you may've noted that I've been doing more and more of my own art recently - crazy I know. Some of you also may've noted I have like...10,000 or so characters, with varying degrees of screen time. And that, well, I try to keep a relatively consistent world of sorts with each of them. Some of you also also may've seen those sorta... Q&A drawings that people do. You know, peeps ask questions, artists draw their characters answering, yaddah yaddah? Well, I am doing the unthinkable and attempting THAT EXACT THING YOU JUST THINKED ABOUT. I think it'll be good practice for drawing more, and drawing faster - and can potentially prompt pieces I wouldn't necessarily think of doing on my own. In particular, it'll allow me to also practice being more expressive with expressions and posing and such, which is something I really want to focus on! It'll also let me write and develop characters further! Expansive lore, yo. So yeah, if you want to ask anything to any of my
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Profile Comments 48

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nekotigerfire's avatar

Thanks for the watch!

MightyRaptor's avatar
Holllaaaaaaaaaa to DA despite trying to go to eclipse, and remove the old look. Raptor boop*
Drecanic's avatar

Oh, thank you! In truth I've had an account here for a looong time, but I've been kind of an absentee for an extended period. The pandemic has given me cause for return. XD

Will admit to not being too fond of the Eclipse stuff, but I feel I'm lucky enough to be coming in now and sorta... learning it from base, as opposed to having got so used to the previous DA layout and then having to relearn. @-@

MightyRaptor's avatar
Yeah we can try to relearn I feel like most of us want to start petition to keep the switch option I think what DA is doing is damage controlling.
Drecanic's avatar

I've heard a few people are doing a sorta protest of not using DA for the next few days, hoping the hit to activity might make them take notice? It's hard to register the impact, since DA staff don't seem to really be engaging with the community.

Drecanic's avatar

A-hey there. Sorry for slow response, not particularly active over here.