The #1 MLG FAN
Hi Dreamworks78, it's a pleasure to meet you and thank you so much for the fave:
I recommend visiting Super7 and ordering your own Violet action figures.
Thanks for the Favs
thank you for watching and or given me a badge, you may not remember me but i used to be HanasiaYamoshiSSjGOD, now with a new overhaul, i hope you like the new content i will pull out and i will enjoy yours, btw if you ever wanna roleplay, im always open, here are some of my friends you may like of mine as well
thankoo for watching and favoring (≧▽≦)
thanks for the favorite
Hi Dreamworks78, I want to personally say it is a pleasure to meet you, and I thank you for the fave. I am glad you like this drawing.