TIbumeru!DesyaDreamers-Respite on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dreamers-respite/art/TIbumeru-Desya-343810090Dreamers-Respite

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Name: Desya Roman
Gender: Male
Appears: 18
Actual Age: 36
Personality: Desya is a cheerful young man who acts younger than he is. He rarely shows anger or agression to anyone. His personality is a very patient one, but he is in no way quiet. In fact, he is very outspoken and talkative,both to tibumeru and humans.He has spent enough time on land that he has learned several human customs, and has taken a particular interest in the human's languages. He loves talking with people and gathering stories,and takes an interest in those who are interesting.In the past, he used to be quite the ladies' man, and enjoyed flirting with girls of both species. After a time,though, he seemed to lose his interest in going after the attention of girls and took a more restrained, polite approach,still achieving his goal of being charming,but no longer trying to be seductive. Desya enjoys learning above all else. He's not particularly smart, and he knows that. He still,however, loves trying to learn new skills,especially human oriented ones.
Desya has never found himself particularly inclined to either tibumerus or humans. He finds the war going on between them a little silly. Because of his cheerful demeanor, he rarely gets on the bad side of the humans or tibumeru that he meets. he doesn't try to attack ships or people,so most people don't go after him. He's a rather relaxed individual as well, to the point that he can be slightly lazy. However, as some know, he does have a bit of a temper.He's never shown it to a human...At least, no human has ever said so. He has had a run in or two with Tibumeru,though. This is mostly because the child-like minds that most tibumeru possess easily annoy Desya.
Surprisingly, Desya has a huge soft spot for Ray. The two have known each other for a long time, and Desya has spent a great deal of that time caring for the boy and getting him out of trouble. It is because of Ray that Desya eventually toned down his womanizing and became infinitely more patient. He didn't,however, lose the mischievous aspect of his personality that likes to arise, and taught Ray several of the tricks that he employs in the present. He is secretly proud of Ray,despite the stupid things that the immature tibumeru tends to get himself into. Even when they were separated, Desya quietly kept tabs on the boy and what he was doing. Now that Ray seems to have gotten himself involved in something potentially huge, Desya finds himself tracking down the boy that he cares for,though it puts him at odds with himself and his generally easy going nature.
-Learning new things (especially languages)
-Singing (He actually has a fairly nice voice, and he finds that singing helps him to remember things)
-Swimming (He enjoys this more than the average tibumeru.He wants to swim in as many bodies of water as he can.)
-Rolling in the mud with Ray
-Flirting with women (Retired Hobby)
Bad Habits, or Specific Traits: He tends to sing when he wants to remember things. This causes him to sometimes randomly break into song for no apparent reason.
Legend:He believes that The humans had a hand in the creation of tibumeru.The best that he can figure, people were experimenting on both fish and humans,and somehow the genes mixed in just a right way to produce them.
Theme Song:
-Desya's prized possession is the watch that hangs off his side at all times.

Lv. ~
HP: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
ATTACK: :star: :star:
DEFENSE: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
SPEED: :star: :star: :star:
INTELLIGENCE: :star: :star: :star:

Yay,it's done! Now only one more Tibumeru to submit and I should be set.xD
haha,Daddy Figures Galore,I Suppose.~~
Ray's "daddy". The Poor,poor guy. :C

Desya Belongs to Me ( :icondreamers-respite: )
Original Design & Tibumeru belong to :iconnotdamien:

For :icontibumeru:
Image size
801x1001px 530.89 KB
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