
Sovereign of the Darkness

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DreamerOfShadows's avatar

Literature Text

There's a place where spiders lurk
   Away from sunlit sight,
Where silhouettes of drow converge
   To form a starless night,
Where ev'ry day is someone's last
   When Lolth's your soul's delight.

Dreamers don't survive for long -
   No room is there for lies
Where any tale can fit the truth
   To bait a killer's prize,
For ev'ry web it spins is true
   Within the spider's eyes.

Keep your back against the wall:
   Your House is not your home,
For drow all grin with poisoned lips
   And malice in their bone,
So if you're caught, be sure to keep
   In mind - you die alone.
Yay, another drow poem. you're welcome. ;p

joining and being more involved with my own club , not to mention conspiring with my new bud , has revitalized my interest in drow and other assorted Underdarkiness. hence, i stayed up last night till nearly 1 am writing this. enjoy.
© 2006 - 2025 DreamerOfShadows

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anonymous's avatar
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willow09's avatar
Very dramatic. And once again, brilliant rhyming.