
Requiem For A Candle

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DreamerOfShadows's avatar

Literature Text

Little candle, burning bright,
Blessed the children, and cursed the night.

Little candle, cheerful glow,
Faced dark beyond what you could know.

Little candle, weak from pain,
Your wick and wax now dead from rain.

Little candle, cold once more,
Sit in the dark, and burn no more.
I finally get to use the word Requiem in a title! :w00t: :psychotic: hehehe..:evillaugh:

yeah..for the fallen.

dedicated to , my literary Entreri, for he requested a poem concerning a snuffed-out candle in honor of my 1000 pageview..
© 2005 - 2025 DreamerOfShadows

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mintyy's avatar
This beutiful artwork was featured in Keyword Discoveries #6 !

Thank You for creating it :love: !