
Keepers of the Web

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DreamerOfShadows's avatar

Literature Text

Ashen skin and ebon core,
Love is Hate and Peace is War;
From the shadows, hear us roar
OUr praises to the Spider Queen.

Lightless, hopeless, heartless night,
Weave through webs and spider's bite
At the whims of matron's might -
Then kneel before the Spider Queen.

Keep your back against the wall -
Trust your blade, or none at all;
Only She will see you fall -
The ever-watching Spider Queen.

Live to hunt, and lust for kills,
Mad with joy when fresh blood spills;
For her name we bend our wills:
All praises to the Spider Queen!
funky, aye?

yay for Zaknafein. and Jarlaxle. dem dudes are funky cool. oh, and drizzt needs a girlfriend. alustriel won't look that young forever...;)

also, i found the preview pic here: [link]
© 2005 - 2025 DreamerOfShadows

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anonymous's avatar
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Celebanna's avatar
Oooh. Very nice!