Villain - SharpeDreamer-Bases on DeviantArt

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Villain - Sharpe



One thing you'll learn about me is I have MAAAAAAAAAANNNNY BNHA OCs~ And here is another one!

This is one of my few villains, Sharpe~ :heart:
His quirk is Cutting Edge:
"Cutting Edge is classified as an incredibly dangerous quirk to come up against in close quarters. It is recommended to stay a few feet away from him during combat and use of long range quirk users against him. Through his Quirk, Sharpe is able to make his skin and hair completely razor sharp to the touch. This can either be just the surface of the skin or by making thin blade-like ridges out of it. As far as anyone is aware, this can be any part of his body he can do this. Alongside this, he can shape his fingers and toes into the shape of small blades to use as smaller knives against his opponent. The sharpness of his skin is easily able to filet, cut through, and severely damage anyone or anything that touches him. He will usually keep his quirk deactivated until someone lays hands on him. "

Anyone who has met Sharpe with no ill intent have all described him as a very polite and well mannered person, always using "please", "thank you", apologizing for things (even when not necessary), respectful of whoever was around him, helpful if need be, and overall being a genuinely nice person to be around. Not at all suspecting him of the villainous/murderous nature he can have, they always saw him as just being a good person. Even some heroes have questioned whether he could truly be behind the acts that have been traced back to him.

However, those that HAVE seen him when he steps over that boundary either haven't lived to tell the tale or have been too damaged to recount the story. Sharpe's patience isn't worn down easily but there are quite a few things that trigger him into his state of being able to kill others. The main one being people touching him without his permission. When it comes to harming someone, he seems to have no qualms about it, despite his repeats of "Sorry" before, during, and after killing someone. Despite his apologies, however, he still convinces himself what he does is okay because not only were they rude to do something to him, but killing them is looked down on, but not exactly rude. 

What his intents are as a villain aren't necessarily known, as he never steals anything from those he kills, never murders others for no reason (always feeling justified or doing it because they did something first and each person has been someone of a bad background initially), and even he doesnt see himself as a villain (avoiding capture but not ever trying to hide away from heroes). 

Sharpe (c) :icondreamer-bases:
Base by :icononcha: 

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336x1008px 154.69 KB
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