Jesterdrcloud on DeviantArt

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drcloud's avatar




It's Jessie!

It's weird, but I seem to have some characters that just consistently turn out fairly well when I draw them - either that, or I just can't remember any pics of her that ended up looking ass.

Anyway, girls with guns are cool, and girls in waistcoats are cool. Now if she just had glasses, she'd be perfect...

Edit: now with slightly less red skin, hurrah.
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637x900px 266.29 KB
© 2016 - 2025 drcloud
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fenrysk-art's avatar
good to see you posting new work, Cloud. I recently reconnected with Merekat at fred's twitch channel after visiting the graveyard of the MTA&D forums. I miss metal mittens and hope you continue to draw more of those characters lol.