Where the sheep at  05drazebot on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/drazebot/art/Where-the-sheep-at-05-534662611drazebot

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Where the sheep at 05



ok let's say the last 4 pictures were kinda like a game idea, these are the characters, the grandma and grandpa are actually my own grandparents, whom i stylized a bit, they are quite the duo
in the game idea I had, each character was going to present a new gameplay mode- 
kid was running away, dad was fighting, mom was hiding, grandpa was building traps and gradma was a sort of a bonus level where you had to make Liutenintza (sort of a tomato sauce) under stress of being scared by a Liutenitza eating bogle ( that part was decided by my son - can't change it)
and in the end you had to play sort of protect the castle (house) from the bogles who were trying to get the sheep (my son told me Bogles love eating Sheep with Liutenitza)
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1481x650px 347.29 KB
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