I've always loved drawing as an outlet, and have been doing so since I had the motor skills to hold a pencil.
I tend to focus on personal work, original characters, things like that.
It often takes me a long time to reply to comments.
Don't ever think I'm ignoring you, or don't care!
I absolutely love that you've taken the time to comment on my work, it's just that with my shyness and so on, they tend to pile up. ;u;
Why, yes. I do like receiving llama badges, and will happily send one your way, as well. c:
Current Residence: Vancouver Island, BC
deviantWEAR sizing preference: X-Small/Small
Favourite genre of music: Hard Rock, Rock, Metal and... a lot of different genres, actually.
Favourite style of art: Original.
Operating System: The windows plague.
MP3 player of choice: A Sony something-or-other I was given for my birthday. It works pretty well.
Wallpaper of choice: White. So I may scribble on my walls. And I have.
Skin of choice: .... ...Fish.
Favourite cartoon character: ...I haven't seen any cartoons in a while actually.
Personal Quote: Anything misspoken. It's practically a trademark.