791 WRR MacklemoreDrasayer on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/drasayer/art/791-WRR-Macklemore-675633884Drasayer

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791 WRR Macklemore


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Title: Star!Star!Star!Romancer
ID: 791
Name: Macklemore
(Nickname): Mack
Age: 7
Gender: Gelding
Status: Unattached
Height: 15.1
Color: Bay Roan Tobiano Appaloosa
Geno: Ee Aa nRn nTo nLp
Eye color: Hazel
Breath: Mocha
Personality: Mack is a very pleasant mule. He was raised around nothing but kindness and soft hands. He has an abundance of personality and so eager to please. He was born completely deaf and relies on body language so he's very sensitive and keen on the slightest of movements. He's a frolicker and expressive through his movements. He's got his sire's strength and hardiness to go all day and his dam's sense of style~

Import Design: 791 WRR Macklemore

------------------------------------------ SSS: 
----------------- SS: 
------------------------------------------ SSD: 
Sire: ERR Thrift Shop
------------------------------------------ SDS: 
----------------- SD: 
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------------------------------------------ DSS: 
----------------- DS: 
------------------------------------------ DSD: 
Dam: Star!Star!Star!17 WRR Sicorah
------------------------------------------ DDS: 
----------------- DD: 
------------------------------------------ DDD: 

Decorations: n/a

Spell Coat: n/a
Spells mastered: n/a
Currently practicing spells: n/a

~Experience Point Tracker~
~RidgeRunner Stables Tracker~

Participant Ribbon: Summer Voyager 2017 by shekeira  Pemberley Park 1st Ribbon by decors
Breeding CLOSED
Infertile and gelded. 

Beaurever Breed © Wouv
Macklemore © Drasayer

SAI/Photoshop CS6
Image size
2600x2000px 5.01 MB
© 2017 - 2025 Drasayer
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KTLasair's avatar

He's a handsome boy!