MYO ContestDrakynWyrm on DeviantArt

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MYO Contest



A baxgen entry for this contest right here:
MYO Baxtgen ContestEntries folder is now updated!
Scroll for rules + info.

  ❖What are Baxtgens and where do they live?
     Baxs are a combination of bats, dragons, and foxes/wolves.  They're normally very docile and shy creatures, however, certain individuals can be more outgoing than others. The mostly reside in very tropical and wet climates, because they enjoy keeping the very delicate skin on their wings moist to prevent cracking. There are desert and snow Baxtgens that exist, but very few have been recorded. They are carnivores and prey mostly on small prey, like birds, rodents, and fish. Baxtgens normally travel in twos or threes, larger pack life is unusual but not unheard of. The larger the pack the bigger the prey t

I would highly recommend trying. These guys are so much fun to do, win or not. :D
As well, the more who join, the more people win!

Anyways, I even made up an entire story for this little guy while I drew him!

 His name's Jackal, and he's basically the trickster type. Party hard, enjoy life, and make others feel miserable so he'd feel better about himself!...I never said he was a nice character.
  Anyways, he's impulsive and arrogant, but does have a good heart under his conceited and secretly insecure behavior. What others see on the outside is a cocky, confident, and wild character who loves a good time.
  He loves the cliffs and grasslands, especially if there's a shady place to rest nearby. If there's solitude, he might just retire there every once in a while to collect himself.
  He's easily caught up in the moment of things, and loves the adreniline rush that risky stunts bring. He usually regrets things afterwards, but he's normally too proud to apologize. Thus he is in constant conflict with himself when he is alone.
  When he's with others, though, he's the life of the party, the king of fun and the guy who plays the most hilarious things and says the snarkiest stuff.

  Now for the stuff more dependent on his species.
  His gems represent the sky, actually. Originally they meant water, but I decided that the wide blue sky would be a much better fit for this character.

Baxgens are a species by: Rianach. In the event I do not win, Jackal as a character will no longer exist, although I might use elements of his design in other characters.

So, what do you guys think of Jackal?
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