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hmmm... tea
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  • Germany
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This account is made by xSPYROTHEDRAGONx!
if there are some problems with the icon or if you have some questions you can ask me :D (Big Grin)

:iconxspyrothedragonx: or www.youtube.com/user/xSPYROTHE...

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He's a great artist it's worthwhile to visit his profile!
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:icondragonbite1::icondragonbite2::icondragonawakeplz::icondragonlaugh::icondragoninsane::icondragondrivel:you know more? tell me!

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Dragonbrothers & animations © J-C all rights reserved!

Profile Comments 71

anonymous's avatar
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KittenLover126's avatar
:iconnepetaplz: :33< tea party with terezi's lusus!
PerfectPinkPawz's avatar
I'm liek, in love with ur profile pic.
ChocoMilkandNoteBook's avatar
:icondragoneat::iconsaysplz:First, gotta eat something'.:iconsaysendplz:
:icondragonteaplz::iconsaysplz:Now, gotta drink something'.:iconsaysendplz:
:icondragondrink::iconsaysplz:What's so funny?!:iconsaysendplz:
:icondragonweep::iconsaysplz:What did I do?:iconsaysendplz:
:icondragonnod2::iconsaysplz:You never act so sophisticated.:iconsaysendplz:
:icondragonwant::iconsaysplz: Oh, I'm sorry, but does it EVER occur to you that I would sometimes want to try something new?:iconsaysendplz:
:icondragoncomfort::iconsaysplz:...No. But it's WAAAAAAAY better when. You're acting random instead of this.
:icondragonwant::iconsaysplz:Oh. Okie. :3 Want a hug?:iconsaysendplz:

:icondragonspin1::icondragonspin2::iconsaysplz:WELL, TOO BAD! ^^:iconsaysendplz:
Frankenlily564's avatar
 Cartoons like Wander over Yonder, and Gravity Falls have a lot to do with the masons, and illuminati...  Duh, They even made a character on Gravity falls that is a pyramid with one eye! :iconbillcipherplz: What more proof do you need!? And besides, why does Lord hater always wear a red/purple hood, and all his minions are eyeballs? ya think!? Grump And if you watch the background very closely, there`s pictures of egyption eyes everywhere. (In some episodes)
 And what about Gravity Falls? You know Gruncle Stan? the hat he wears? :icongrunclestanplz: ITS A MASON HAT! And there`s this picture that flashes by just a bit after the intro, after further inspection, it was THIS!: fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/201… And there are more secrets to reveal that I will explain in my journal entry, if anybody wants to know...  YOUR WELCOME! :iconchallengeacceptedplz: