Winx: Zam MWDragonShinyFlame on DeviantArt

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Winx: Zam MW




Dot Bullet (Tan) - F2U!  TITLE: Fairy of Time.

Dot Bullet (Tan) - F2U! ORIGIN: Earth.

Dot Bullet (Tan) - F2U! AGE: 18 years old.

Dot Bullet (Tan) - F2U! BIRTHDAY: October 20.

Dot Bullet (Tan) - F2U! RELATIONSHIPS: 
               Delix Club (Family, group).
               Hunter (Boyfriend).
               Fabia (Best Friend).
               Perla, Altair, Aria, Aude (Friends).

Dot Bullet (Tan) - F2U! STORY: Zam was born in Egypt, Earth. She went to the magic school, Tir Nan Og, to gain control over her time powers. When she was 8 years old, she sent her whole family into a place out of time. When she heard about what happened in Infinitum and that Altair needed help, she offered them her habilities to travel back time so they can continue their journey. She must learn how to use her powers well if she wants to save the world, be part of Delix and most important, save her family.

Dot Bullet (Tan) - F2U! PERSONALITY: She is kind of a bossy girl. As she is working to gain control over her powers, she wants everything to be perfect, even if it is a simple task. At some point she will felt alone and not part of the team, but at some point she will realized how important she is for the team.
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