Xeriz ZakkorDragongrafx-16 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dragongrafx-16/art/Xeriz-Zakkor-838041523Dragongrafx-16

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Xeriz Zakkor



This is Xeriz Zekkor. He is a Verrathan Cyborg.

 Xeriz was one of Telok's friends since they were hatchlings. Xeriz was normal until a few years ago when his fighter ship (Telzok and him are both fighter pilots of the Verrthraaxi Imperial Military) got shot down and he suffered a horrible crash that severed all of his limbs, including his wings. Wings mean everything to the pride of a Verrathan so he took it very badly, even more so than losing any other limb. And while cybernetics allow him to walk and fly again, it's just not the same.

His current 'body' is a soldier variant and also acts as his armor. A civilian would normally receive cybernetics that are significantly weaker. Though, Xeriz does have civilian style arms and legs he can use when he is on leave, but the time it takes to switch out the parts means that he can really only have them swapped out when he goes on vacation. 

Xeriz has a profound sadness about his personality, which is amplified whenever a civilian sees him, especially hatchlings. He is currently waiting for Verrathan cybernetics to advance enough that he would at least look fairly normal, but still retain the strength of his current 'body'. There are times when he has considered giving up the strength of his current 'body' and just swapping to the civilian style parts, but he fears it would severely impact his career to do so, yet most of his peers are all flesh and bone. 

It was fun coming up with ideas for Verrathan furniture design, especially that chair. The back rest is designed so that the wing 'arms' of a Verrathan can rest on it. And there's a big 'hole' on the back of the chair that allows a tail to be curled around the chair. And while Xeriz technically does not need to sit because his legs can't get tired, he likes doing so cause it makes him feel at least a little bit normal.
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