Arrietta: The Silver Alpha PupDragonDogFilmsG on DeviantArt

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Arrietta: The Silver Alpha Pup



K big redo here along with the other wolves, so let me reintroduce the wolf hero of my new Spyro fan comic, Arrietta

Bio: This indepented, free spirited, strongheaded, and brave wolf pup is her pack's last hope. When she was born, Arrietta was an only child of the pack's alpha pair and her father died shortly after her birth. As the future alpha female, Arrietta's pack expects the best of her since she inherted her father's skills. The whole pack, her mother, her teachers, and even her friends wants Arrietta to grow into a noble leader and make the rights choices, but how can Arrietta make a choice if the keep choosing for her. Even though she knows that she her pack's next and only leader, there are times she wishs that she can be free from these duties and a become a lone wolf for a while, but little does Arrietta knows that she is more than just her pack's last hope for as future..........................
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358x480px 37.02 KB
© 2012 - 2025 DragonDogFilmsG
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SilverMoonXD's avatar
Awww! So cute! I love your little wolf pup. I say you did a pretty good job :D