Power from Eclipse. A form higher than SSJ6?!
The battle has been going on throughout the night. The Z-fighters have defeated many of the army of demons, though they did get pretty close to dying a few times. Thankfully, Goku and Gohan gotten the chance to save their friends from being killed in different times. Thanks to the Senzu Beans and healing received from Majin Buu, no one from the Z-fighters has died this time. All that is left of the Demon Realm army are a few stronger monsters, the priests, and of course the three strongest ones Demon, Goku, Vegeta, and Broly have been fighting for a long time. Those being Towa, Mira, and Dabura!!
Both sides have been struggling, but no one more then Demon fighting Mira, the bastard who killed his father. "How can I be struggling against this guy?! I've trained so hard sense the last I fought him, and I have full control of my Super Saiyan 6 power under the full moon, and I'm still not fully having the edge on him!", Demon thought to himself as he fought Mira. Mira then sends Demon