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It's a me Mario! =D
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Deviation Spotlight

  • Sep 6, 1991
  • United States
  • Deviant for 15 years
  • He / Him
Whiskers: Submitted to the April Fools' Day category
Two Scoops: Exclusive Robert Rodriguez Blackberry Badge
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (117)
My Bio

I am the type of person that dosent like to see others hurt,I love to help. one of my fvorite things to do is take pictures =D (Big Grin). I have a couple of hobbies like one it Photography (of course) playing Xbox Live great fun lol and snowboarding and a few other things but yeah Dance!

:iconidontloveitplz: :iconidislikeitplz: :iconiloveitmoreplz: :iconexcitedflirtplz: :iconilikeitplz: :iconirapeitplz: :iconiwantitplz: :iconhurrdurrplz: :iconicantbelieveitplz: :iconilickitplz: :iconikilleditplz: :iconhomeplz: :iconilovekrissiplz: :iconnewlightplz: :iconstudmuffinplz: :icongwahplz: :iconhappylightplz: :iconiloveitplz: :iconilavplz: :iconblushingplz: :iconkikuplz: :iconsweetblushplz: :iconshyblushplz: :iconblushthanksplz: :iconcrazyblushplz: :iconmassiveblushplz: :iconblushingmadplz: :iconembarrassmentplz: :iconinnocent1plz: :iconsobcryplz: :iconrlytearplz: :iconimnothappyplz: :iconicameplz: :iconimhappylaplz: :iconimthinkingplz: :icontinoplz: :iconhurrplz: :iconimhappyplz: :iconsothereplz: :iconimhorrifiedplz: :iconimpervyplz: :iconcannotunseeplz: :iconkyeplz: :iconemmplz: :iconimhachuneplz: :iconawesomenessplz: :iconimsrspervplz: :iconwalleyedplz: :iconshaplz: :iconcrazyticplz: :icondrunkhappyplz: :iconurgrinningplz: :icongetawayplz: :iconimgrinningplz: :iconverynotimpressedplz: :iconimrlynotimpressedplz: :iconmadlynotimpressedplz: :iconprussiaplz: :iconurajerkplz: :iconufufuplz: :iconthatsgreatplz: :iconnosebleedgrinplz: :iconpervyfaceplz: :iconohdearplz: :iconukraineplz: :iconshityfaceplz: :iconfreakedplz: :iconwthewwplz: :iconxdddplz: :iconimhighplz: :iconidespiseyouplz: :iconeheheplz: :iconiderpitplz: :iconikissitplz: :iconmeowfaceplz: :iconmeowderpfaceplz: :iconheybbyplz: :icongetawayplz: :icongoofygrinplz: :iconfyeahplz: :icondurrhurrplz: :iconwhatisthisplz: :icon0n0plz: :icontonguewaggleplz: :iconimpressedplz: :iconyeahrightplz: :iconpfftplz: :iconwaplz: :iconwatwatplz: :iconincomprehensionplz: :iconhuhnoplz: :iconthatsokplz: :iconwutwutplz: :icono-0plz: :iconiheartitplz: :iconwooooplz: :iconimtwitchingplz: :iconkawaiifaceplz: :iconimbishieplz: :iconwthsparklesplz: :iconyoucardplz: :iconchuplz: :iconilltellonyouplz: :iconevulplz: :iconhuarghplz: :iconraepfaceplz: :iconimspeechlessplz: :icondesiremeplz: :icondesireyouplz: :iconblowitallupplz: :iconmegustabishieplz: :iconrlyplz: :iconmakingmeblushplz: :iconimshockedplz: :icondroolpls: :iconidontthinksobetchplz: :iconihateitplz: :iconraegrapefaceplz: :icondesucraiplz: :iconimhappyderpplz: :iconinomitplz: :iconsawthatplz: :iconkillyouwithfireplz: :iconhoplz: :iconholyhellplz: :iconbawww-plz: :icondeyedplz: :iconsouleyesplz: :iconiseethatthereplz: :iconsadadamplz: :iconirapeitplz: :icontearplz: :iconholygoodnessplz: :iconhappytearplz: :iconwrahplz: :iconyeeshplz: :iconclassymanplz: :iconforeheadkissplz: :iconsnivelplz: :iconsmilederpplz: :iconderpcraiplz: :iconderppfftplz: :iconcutederpplz: :iconcutiesmileplz: :iconrosestareplz: :iconcutederpplz: :iconcuterrhplz: :icongreenrosedroolplz: :icontsukinosmirkplz: :iconsquee-plz: :iconevilgrin2plz:

:iconwatertribeplz: :iconearthkingdomplz: :iconairnomadsplz: :iconfirenationplz: :icondragonglomp: :icondragonhuh2: :icondragontailfast: :icondragonweep: :icondragonspin1: :icondragonxpplz: :icondragonshock: Bullet; Red Bullet; OrangeBullet; Yellow Bullet; Green Bullet; Blue Bullet; Purple Bullet; Pink Bullet; White Bullet; Black :iconblushingtamakiplz:

hmm Rose :eager: by darkmoon3636 :happybounce: :squee: Wow! Blush :O (Eek)_o: Nuu :iconloveemoteplz: :iconlachoirplz: :iconlasingplz: :iconlabeatplz: :iconlarockplz: :iconlaplz: :iconlamadnessplz: :iconjumpinglaplz: :iconbathlaplz: :iconohgodlaplz: :iconlaplz: :iconla-dummyplz: :icondummylaplz: :iconninjaglompplz::iconsuperglompplz::iconfurryglompplz::iconpirateglompplz: :iconfeelingfreeplz: :iconpikafavplz: :iconeatglompplz: :iconyomp: :iconlalist: Huggle! Smooooch! La la la la + I am a dummy! = :iconladummydateplz: = :icondummylaplz: + :iconla-dummyplz: :iconlaglompplz: :iconsilentmovielaplz: :iconeatglompplz:Eating Worms :squee: :happybounce: Sad dummy Facepalm Nuu Grump :p (Lick)at: Woohooooo! Turbo poke Tight Hug Tantrum Smoking :o (Eek)nfire: Huggle! Forgive me! Cough :eager: by darkmoon3636 OMG MOAR POEMS! :o (Eek)hnoes: I'm in ur post! Shakin mah fish! mmmm books... Man Hug Use the force! Ahooooy Matey! Sumo wrestlers Don't mess! Comfort me. Begone! :p (Lick)ointandlaugh: Ninja dart Do not cross a gang of ninjas... I surrender! Cuddling up with someone close... :p (Lick)hew: Flirtatious High-five! :p (Lick)oke: Stabbed in the back! Clone Wow! Take it all off! :p (Lick)aranoid: Little Worker Sherlock Holmes Smooooch! ilish Explosion :o (Eek)hmygod: I salute you! Runny Nose Sneeze: Ah... ahh.. ACHOO! Boing! Boing! Braaaaains... Jamming to tunes Argh! Stupid writer's block. I've got too much work to do. Hi! I'm going to slap some sense into you! CURSE YOU! Oh yeah. Yay. Good for you. Hahahahaha. No. Grr. :p (Lick)lotting: Heartbreaker Okay... Moving on now... Ohm... Ohm... I think I've fainted. Waaaah! Thank you! Thank you! Sweating a little... EVIL Laughter! Boogie! Slam Head On Table Aww Greetings Blush Unimpressed Horny! Skull and Crossbones Disbelief Laughing Nod Sleepy Worried Happy cry (Tears of joy) Ashamed Love The Devil Singing Shrug Shocked :p (Lick)okeball: :o (Eek)mg: Idea Bleh Bump Stupid :p (Lick)issed: Chainsaw Slow Depressed :o (Eek)mfg: Worship Relax Stupid Me! Jawdrop Innocent Yawn Lonely Chew Hug Ignore Earth *looks around cluelessly* Handshake Sad Angel Censored :p (Lick)uke: Splitting Headache! :p (Lick)arty: Sick :p (Lick)honecall: Reading :p (Lick)ray: :O (Eek)_o: Nana, look what I have and you dont! :hmm: :frustrated: :bored: :iconeatglompplz: :iconyomp: :iconbwaaahplz: :iconrainbowlaplz: :iconcheerplz: :iconpetplz: :icontearsofjoyplz: :icongwompplz: :woohoo: :backhug:

:iconsayhiplz: :iconranranruuplz: :iconherotimeplz: :iconscaredplz: :iconguaahplz: :icongreatjobplz: :iconfinallyplz: :iconawkwardplz: :iconcuriosityplz: :iconnosepickingplz: :icondontunderstandplz: :iconsighingplz: :iconcomebackplz: :icononionpanicplz: :icononionfailplz: :icongraduatingplz: :icononionspittake1plz: :icongivingupplz: :iconhappytearsplz: :iconwarmandcomfyplz: :iconcomeoverhereplz: :iconcrycryplz: :iconadorableplz: :iconlaughingplz: :iconsweatdropplz: :iconembarrassedplz: :iconscaredtodeathplz: :icondepressedonionplz: :icononionbunnyplz: :iconschoolplz: :icononistressplz: :iconwatchitplz: :iconinloveplz: :icononichewplz: :iconchocoloveplz: :iconsaunarelaxplz: :icononionwoeplz: :icononisquirtplz: :icononigaspplz: :icononionharpplz: :icononionraceplz: :iconsadnessplz: :icononionlullabyplz: :iconteatimeplz: :iconsobeautifulplz: :iconrightyouareplz: :iconblushplz: :iconorzplz: :iconiseeplz: :iconzomgplz: :iconhappyskipplz: :iconcconfusedplz: :iconarigatouplz: :iconannoyeddotdotdotplz: :iconcblushplz: :icononioncleanplz: :icononionloveplz: :iconawwwplz: :iconomgwtfbbqplz: :iconvomitplz: :iconheavenlyplz: :iconvoodooplz: :icondignitylaughplz: :iconmiseryplz: :iconplanningplz: :iconitshotplz: :iconitscoldplz: :iconitsfreezingplz: :iconsickplz: :icononionxdplz: :iconpetrifiedplz: :icondestroyplz: :iconinjuredplz: :icononiontantrumplz: :iconnotlisteningplz: :iconboredomplz: :iconcomeatmeplz: :iconruncryplz: :iconstudytimeplz: :iconsmartyplz: :icondotdotdotzplz: :iconbaibaiplz: :icontooloudplz: :icondustingplz: :icononionomfgplz: :iconthirstyplz: :icononionaccidentplz: :iconthreewishesplz: :iconrockingonionplz: :icononitiredplz: :icononihypnoplz: :icononisweatplz: :icononishowerplz: :iconimdeadplz:

:iconmonkeytsktskplz: :iconyoyocryplz: :iconwideeyesplz: :iconpissedmonkeyplz: :iconscreamingplz: :iconwhatsthatplz: :iconpervmonkeyplz: :iconmonkeytantrumplz: :icondancemonkeydanceplz: :iconehhhhplz: :iconyoyocici2plz: :iconmonkeybombplz: :iconmonkeyneenerplz: :iconcicidanceplz: :iconmonkeymeowplz: :iconparanoidmonkeyplz: :iconohpleaseplz: :iconmonkeyshyplz: :iconomgsocuteplz: :iconmonkeyloveplz: :iconyoyobyebyeplz: :iconohohohplz: :iconohnoyoudirintplz: :iconbyebyeplz: :iconyoyospitplz: :iconyoyosantaplz: :iconyoyosarcasmplz: :iconyoyoouchieplz: :iconyoyowazzapplz: :iconyoyorapplz: :iconafraidmonkeyplz: :iconyoyoomfgplz: :iconanoplz: :iconmonkeybleedplz: :iconigiveupplz: :iconmonkeywalkinplz: :iconmonkeythumbplz: :iconnerdmonkeyplz: :iconmonkeylaughplz: :iconahemplz:

Current Residence: DuPont
Favourite genre of music: Christian,Rock,Metal
Favourite style of art: prefferably ANIME
MP3 player of choice: IPOD
Shell of choice: the Swirly kind
Wallpaper of choice: Anything with Foxes
Skin of choice: well mine =3
Favourite cartoon character: Lucario
Personal Quote: Its not worth doing if it ruins your life

Favourite Visual Artist
Chris Rogers
Favourite Movies
I cant pick I have quite a few
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
well one is Red,TFK,DragonForce, Skillet,Mercy Me and an couple more
Favourite Writers
Christopher Paloni
Favourite Games
Star Fox
Favourite Gaming Platform
xbox 360
Tools of the Trade
Camera :D
Other Interests
Martial Arts and awsome drawings
Hey guys its been awhile since I wrote a journal.  Haha I never know what to write about but anyway but I should be posting more picture soon.:iconimthinkingplz: Oh and thanks to everyone for their recent faves on my new pictures :iconhappyskipplz:
anonymous's avatar
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Hey I am sorry I have not posted any picture of late I will be getting around to it I am just trying to refine my photography just so that it would be more to your liking!!!!  Soon I will be traveling to Costa Rica hopefully I can take some good pictures there!!
anonymous's avatar
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Yeah I got the N90s Film Camera!  I might not be putting pictures on here right away gotta figure this thing out first lol but yeah...  :iconexcitedplz:
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Profile Comments 85

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laspinter's avatar

Thank you for taking a look at my stuff :)


Dragon-Kuriakon's avatar
Awesome stuff man!
FalloutFoxDraws's avatar
Howdy! Thank you for watching my page and welcome to the fox family!
Dragon-Kuriakon's avatar
Haha Appreciate it man!  Keep up the awesome work!
Calvin286's avatar
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND TODAY SPECIALS, we hav- *Interrupted* (Mysterious man: We've meet again... Chan-san) ('oh no, that voice...') *turns around* (Amon, I don't have time to deal with you. Can't you see I'm with a customer who's having a birthday?) (Amon: I'm afraid I must end your journey, ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!) ('WHA?' M-Motherf**ker, I don't even want to get involved in your... whatever you called it, didn't I even told you the first time we first met? That I'm taking your challenge as a one-time thing? Look at me, I'm a waiter working in this luxury restaurant, for christ sake! I'm not a f**kin threat to you or your... Amon Clan or whatever) (Amon: That means that you are determined to end us all...) (I'm not even pla-... F**k it, Let get over with this sh*t) *ADVANCING TO BATTLE: youtu.be/caXaMMKKsnU?t=32s*
()=for japanese
''= thoughts
AngeKrystaleen's avatar
  + Thanks for the Watch + by AngeKrystaleen 

I'm very happy that you like my art, it mean a lot to me Hug

Don't forget to be an active watcher by faving or/and commenting my art, journal & status =D (Big Grin)

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Thank you  ~Heart 
Dragon-Kuriakon's avatar
Yeah it's awesome!  Keep up the awesome work ^_^