Dragavan's avatar


Fredrik Dragavan
13 Watchers100 Deviations
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Deviation Spotlight

Llama: Llamas are awesome! (1)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
My Bio

Current Residence: Earth
Favourite genre of music: Anything but Twangy Country or Hard Core Rap
Operating System: Mac OSX 10.4
MP3 player of choice: iTunes (duh), and my iPod
Wallpaper of choice: Depends on the room
Skin of choice: White with faint freckles
Favourite cartoon character: Gir

Favourite Movies
Right now, Big Fish (can't love this movie enough)
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Too many to list... Okay, fine, Underworld.
Favourite Games
The Land of Karn RPG (my own creation)
Favourite Gaming Platform
Table Top or Living Room Floor
Tools of the Trade
Apple Macintish PowerBook G4 1.25GHz
Other Interests
Writing, RPGs, Movies, Music, Arts, Rollerblading
After 9 months (or so) of being unemployed (without government aid thanks to their own paperwork f-up screwing me over) I can finally say I have a job that will cover my bills again. Starting tomorrow I will be back to the 9-5 grind, 5 days a week. This means that I will have less free time again, but hopefully I will soon be able to afford to do things with what free time I have again.Also, I hope that this also means that my drive to create more often will return. Being out of work and doing the hopeless job search was good on the creative front. I don't do well when stressed and depressed.The only down side is I have to start getting up...
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I am still out of work but I have a good feeling about a recent application at Apple. We will see if it actually goes somewhere. Keep your fingers crossed for me.But the real good news is I am coming out of my funk. I am starting to feel good about working again and I have started to actually get the artwork done for the next Lootin' Wizards expansion. I have also accepted a piece of contract work for a friend, designing a logo and website for her upcoming business venture (which I may also do more for when it gets closer. When the site goes live you can check out the rest of my work there (http://themuse.cc), but in the meantime I posted ...
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Through no fault of my own or my boss I am now out of a job. Through a series of events out of his control he was forced to pretty much get rid of everyone. I wish it didn't have to happen and He seems to feel just as bad about it, since it screws up his life as well, but it happened.Why do I bring any of this up here? Not my usual place for this kind of sharing. Well... this means that I have both free time (as I look for work and wait for call backs) and a need for extra cash. Could this mean I am open for commissions for the first time ever? It sure could.I have no rates since I never really do this over deviantART (and my professional ...
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Profile Comments 78

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StarDragon77's avatar
Thanks for adding me to your friends/watch list.,
corpsebride00's avatar

you have been featured here :
hentai-kitty's avatar
thanks for the fav
Britt7094's avatar
Your Lootin Wizards game is addictive. My family and I love it! Thanks so much for the great style and great game. :)
Dragavan's avatar
Thanks. I am so glad you like it. We have a blast with it here too. I am working on more for the family of games. Hopefully, sometime in the coming year I will have Lootin' Rogues ready for release.
Hesoyam's avatar
Nice style man :)

Take a look to my gallery ;)
Elena21's avatar
Thanks for the faves!