A note about use of my work

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draconis42's avatar
Hey everyone!  Just wanted to put a note up here specifying my conditions on use of my work.  I have updated all of my gallery items to be put on the Creative Commons license, and have changed everything to allow download of the full-size file (which I am hesitant about doing, but will try it out).

First off, I have NO issues with people using my work, as long as you give me credit for it.  EXCEPTION:  ANY WORK WITH A MODEL (HUMAN) THAT I HAVE CREDITED WILL NEED THE USE APPROVED BY BOTH MYSELF AND THE MODEL.  Email me to get said permission.

Obviously, if it is for your own personal use (wallpaper, etc.) then you don't really need to credit me, since there wouldn't be any reason to tell yourself that I created it.  But of course, if your friends ask where you got your wallpaper or whatever, be sure to send them to my gallery.

For use on the internet (page backgrounds, etc.) please be sure and credit me appropriately, and let me know via email where it's being used so that I can see it.  I would prefer my full name be used in the credit, not my DA username, which I believe is displayed under my DA username my main page.  If it's not, shoot me an email and I'll give it to you.  I also would prefer that the credit contain a link to my gallery here on DA. Internet use includes any uploads to other websites (wallpaper, photo sharing, photo albums, etc.)!

For commercial use or use in media (newspaper, magazine, e-zines, tv, etc.), contact me @ draconis42@gmail.com.  Depending on what it is being used for, and who is asking to use it, I may release it free of charge (with proper credit) or may decide to take a little commission, who knows. (I'm VERY open to allowing my work to be used for small companies/media productions without fee, so don't let that scare you off!)

One thing I do insist on is that you DO NOT make any changes/alterations to my work without my express written permission.  Email me to obtain said permission, and I will want to know what exactly will be changed, and will also want to approve the final product before it is released anywhere.  I am open to changes being made, especially for other DA members who want to use my work as a basis or part of something else, but I want to know specifics first.

And finally, if anyone sees my work being used without the proper credits to me, PLEASE email me and let me know so I can get it taken care of.

I'm trusting everyone with this, even knowing the vagueness of the Creative Commons license, because I do not like to put watermarks on my work.  It detracts from the whole of the work, in my opinion.  So everyone please abide!

Thanks and Later Days!

P.S.  For the moment, I'm not making anything available as prints.  If you would like something as a print, email me or leave a comment on the particular work, and I will make it so.

© 2007 - 2025 draconis42

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