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Moving Accounts

0 min read
Yep. I'm finally gonna do it.  In short, there are lots of things about this account that make me sick and I want to move on. I had hoped a name change and my attempt at a new start here would be enough, but it's not. I'm probably going to stay here until my premium runs out, since I did pay for it and all, but I'm just debating if it's worth it. I really really enjoy DeviantArt, but this account has way too much baggage attached to it for me to wade through and clean up. I will be deactivating this account, so if there's anything on here that you want saved then you should do it soon. The new account is :devignisincarnate: if anyone is in...
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I am not making these available for points unless you want to pay the point equivalent to $10. Which is 1000 points I think. :| But hey! If you have 1000 points laying around and you want a picture then I am more than happy to take points for the equivalent, as long as you use the commissions system so that I can still get real moneys from it. X3 I would much rather prefer paypal though.Anyway! Click Here for an example! Click Here to view slots and such. You can feel free to comment here if you're interested! :3
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SO I've decided to use the following characters: SONIC :bulletblue::devxxhowlingcoyotexx:- Full Color :bulletblue::devaccioliz:- Inks (old ref thar):bulletblue::devxsonnei:- Sketch (I'm a sucker for femboys okay >>) PONY :bulletyellow::devartyskull:- Full Color :bulletyellow::devartyskull:- Inks :bulletyellow::devxxhowlingcoyotexx:- Sketch I wanted to do a different person for each slot but I didn't get much pony response, so it is what it is. I'll be streaming these tomorrow at 10:00 am Mountain Standard (I think. Arizona says "fuck day light savings). SO if anyone is interested in watching me derp around or chatting I'll be streaming f...
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jamesgunner123's avatar
...the happiest of birthdays to you...may the coming year be joyful and prosperous...X3
jamesgunner123's avatar
...a very happy birthday to you...hope all is well for you and yours...=3
jamesgunner123's avatar
..the happiest of birthdays to you...=3
jamesgunner123's avatar
...happy birthday to you...=3
Tonythunder's avatar
Party :iconhappybirthday2plz: :iconcakelickplz: Happy Birthday!!!! :iconcakelickplz: :iconhappybirthday2plz: Party
Angelwaveo6's avatar
Happy Birthday :D :cake: 
jamesgunner123's avatar
...happy birthday to you...=3