Scouting Reports from a Reluctant Participant: R02 by Draco-Cor, literature
Scouting Reports from a Reluctant Participant: R02
After the race and once Kalani was happy with how limbered up Masami and Kirie were, she directed them to the village next door from the Astra building and said that their first mission would be to help out the Floramon of the village. It seemed easy enough and after being given the coordinates to his digivice, he and Kirie went on their way through the forest. Despite the cold, it was surprisingly nice out as they followed the forest path. Kalani wasn’t worried about them getting lost and she had no reason to be, even without the coordinates there was a well-treaded path that seemed to lead to their destination, all they had to do was follow it.
It was hard to gauge how long the walk took, but it was about ten minutes before they arrived at the small village. It was a quaint place with the buildings looking like mushrooms with most of the inhabitants appearing to be insect or plant-based digimon. There was also a large open market area where there was a variety of different digimon
Scouting Reports from a Reluctant Participant: R01 by Draco-Cor, literature
Scouting Reports from a Reluctant Participant: R01
Masami groaned as he walked through the Arcadium halls. It seemed his lack of action hadn’t gone unnoticed, and he had been reprimanded. Not that Julian was overly harsh on him, but the man just reminded Masami that upon joining the Arcadium, they were still an organization, and everyone was expected to pull their weight in whatever way they could, which he was avoiding.
He couldn’t blame the man, he was only doing his job but Masami still felt annoyed that they were still volunteering themselves to be a task force dealing with deadly monsters, without pay. Sure, tamers were given personal lodgings and didn’t have to pay utilities as well as free use of everything the Sol, Lune, and Astra campuses’ had to offer, but they still had to buy their own meals and toilet paper for their dorm bathrooms. He tried seeing if there was a public bathroom he could use to avoid that, but it turns out there were only emergency stations for digimon who had accidents, and his digimon could not defecate
A new star for the Lune - RP by Draco-Cor, literature
A new star for the Lune - RP
"Are you sure you want to go through with this Callie? Last time we talked to these people they were all rude and weird." Nyako said, looking up at Callie from her arms. The small woman didn't know how to respond to her digimon, all she could think about was how, despite managing to get away without anybody following her after the incident in the subway, this "Arcadium" still managed to find her address and send her an invitation to join their ranks.
She didn't know how to feel about joining some random organization, especially one that seemed dangerous and disorganized. At least, the people in the subway tunnels. It took her some time to get here after following the instructions and she would have to report to someone named 'Jullian', which was strange given this was a Japanese organization, she didn't think the person she would hear from had such a Western name. Perhaps it was because she was not Japanese and a representative had contacted her instead? She had no idea, but almost
TDW: Hunger Pangs and Eerie Signals by Draco-Cor, literature
TDW: Hunger Pangs and Eerie Signals
Myrmecomon slumped to the ground with a large sigh after finally having an opportunity to rest after a long night. It had been a long time since she was stuck like this and it was honestly a miracle that she kept her sanity. When it first befell her she remembered going up against that stupid egg. Eli’s digivice started giving troublesome beeps before she digivolved into Myrmecomon for the first time; at first, she was alright but within seconds the pain of hunger hit her, hard. It was so distracting that it was nigh impossible to put up a fight against Digitamamon, but another member of the Arcadium, Masami, happened to pass by with his digimon and digivolved to save them.
She growled at the memory, embarrassed that she had to be shown up by a rookie- even if they had been together for a long time. Since then, Myrmecomon had been unable to de-digivolve, which was a sizable problem. Not just because of her endless hunger, but because she was
It's not much but my prices for bust shots and half-bodies have been updated. My commissions are currently open and I could really use the money right now.