>>> SCP foundation console (V.2025.01.05/21:00:00 [UTC+2])>>>
📰>>> NEWS & EVENTS FOR THE DAY!!! >>>📰
!> I am no longer busy, so I can take any commissions or other specific requests.
🔥>>> Current progress (I multi-tasking for effency.)>>>🔥
!!!>>> More interesting pencil art... (10.00%)
!!!>>> More potential digital art... (0.00%)
!!!>>> Other potential forms of art... (1.00%)
❗>>> Commission status: >>>❗
!> Paid Commission: CLOSED
!> Free Commission: OPEN
Date of update: 2025.01.05/21:05:00 [UTC+2]
Want Wendigo ERA series to be continued? Apply to my project group and share a aprt of creativity and skills to be credited and get paid!
>>>Further details please go check my most current post!<<<
Another day, another radom comment of mine for no reason! I just like to do things that flows along with my mood of the day! Yeah, so ummm... I wish everyone Happy creating with their own artworks!❤️
ℍ𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕠❢ 𝕎𝕖𝕝𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝔻𝕖𝕧𝕚𝕒𝕟𝕥𝔸𝕣𝕥❢❢❢ 𝕎𝕚𝕤𝕙 𝕐❜𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕒 ℍ𝔸ℙℙ𝕐 ℕ𝔼𝕎 𝕐𝔼𝔸ℝ❢❢❢❢❢
↑(That's right! No typo there! Just E!)
>Edited on: {2025.01.05/21:05:00 [UTC+2]}
Hi👋 I am Dr.MaxMillian. I am from Shanghai so English is not my first langue & I like to publish FINE SELF-MADE artworks, especially landscape HD(1280x720px), 2K, 4K, 8K etc... I care about quality alot😭, So any Stupid doodle is not possible on this channel. Thanks for the patience! I can assure to provide you guys the best I could get.👍
❗>>> My Commission Status: >>>❗
> Pain Commission: CLOSED
> Free Commissions slots: OPEN
> YCH(Your Character There): OPEN
🔥>>> Check out my other channels! >>>🔥
> My daily life vlogs: [My sub account link]
> Furaffinity: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/dr.maxmillian/
> DIscord: https://discord.gg/wPbWWZHuQ5
> Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZjGIRfQgpJgGPf-kwyPZ7Q
> Pateron: https://www.patreon.com/Dr_MaxMillian (Empty, YET.)
> Facebook & Instagram & Twitter (Not valid & I won't receive your massage.)
(I rarely update them all since I am too busy on making artworks.)
💁>>> More info about me >>>💁
> Being a level-[REDACTED] and Class-B SCP containment specialist, sometimes I can't pull too much time from my work into art so thanks for your understanding of my slow publishing pase, but you can you can speeding me up by giving me supports like "add to favourites" or "submit to subscription" for example, that will be greatly appreciated.
> Don't ask too much when it comes with my... "stupid" job. The only a few things you need to know is I treat anomaly with kindness first, force second. I can be very kind and cheerful but also can become merciless when it comes with force. So don't make me or you will really regret it.
💷>>> Buy artwork from me / About NFT trade >>>💷
> Please contact me there OR DIscord DM & Giving me clear request, that will make things easier for both of us thank you. (Considering English is not my first language.)😂
!!!>>> Transaction I support is ONLY features within this website:" Give points" OR "Give cake badge", hope you can understand my privacy.
> NFT is not possible, forget it. Let's be honest there, who even knows NFT those days? (#Related)
🎆>>> Art I will draw >>>🎆
> Characters(Sprites), SCPs, TF(TransFormation), TG(transGeneder), F*rry (Censored for anti-furrys), Mature contents (DON'T include ADULT content), fantasy stuff, pixel art and... Uh... Many others things like maps I guess?
> I am not very good at making ideas BUT good at making/drawing art, feel free to give me ideas! More detailed will be more appreciated thank you.
>Forget it, Fat things is not possible! I don't want any request of that.
📞>>> Contact ME >>>📞
> DIscord: https://discord.gg/wPbWWZHuQ5 (I don't use it frequently!!!)
> OR contact me there by sending me: "Notes/Mail" OR "Chat".
> IF you are subscribed to me, I will get notified and sent Notes/Mail to you along with a custom "Thank you" massage! Giving you my gmail is also possible so you can truly Talk/Submit ideas me there! Don't worry, if you are a member in my discord, I will give you the corresponding rank come along with benefits.
❗>>> Rules within this channel >>>❗
> Don't spam under published Artwork&My channel comment section thank you also DON'T GET POLITICAL OR I WILL DELETE YOUR COMMENT!!!
> As long you didn't being a jerk, I am completely cool & chill with y'all. Even hell jokes is allowed! I ain't strict bro...😪
💬>>> Channel status >>>💬
> I will slowly stop posting AI generated artworks because that are not what I drawn and I only needs them for boosting my channel popularity. Since I don't need the boost anymore, I shall slowly stop posting about AI generated artworks unless someone ask for one! I shall get your name featured down below that artwork publish.
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟>>>WANT FANCY TEXT LIKE I DO???>>>🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
> This is the first link: [Totally not a 10 hours rockroll video]
> This is the second link: [Fancy Text Generator]
(^Catchphrase of mine, self-harm not included.)
//:! SCP foundation console (V.2025.01.01/10:10:00 [UTC+2]) !:\\
> If the date of update have passed one week, the information might no longer being true so please consider while reading thank you.
🔎>>>Channel Overview>>>🔍
> Gallery "Featured" Only will contain hand-picked FINE art work, contents mostly consist from: "Fine artworks", "Basic artworks", "AI artworks" galleries.
> Gallery "Early Access" meant the INCOMPLETE Concept sketch was published before the coloured ones being posted public for free.
> The time display in this channel is all displayed in 24 hour based instead of 12 hour one of using "AM" or "PM" sorry for in inconvenience but I need to use it for formal displaying. (I am also used to reading it.)
💷>>>ABOUT NFT & Trade>>>💷
> NO NFT TRADE! Let's be honest there, who even knows NFT those days? Keep up the modern pase already jeez.
> If you want to buy my artwork, just contact me there: "Mail/Note" OR "Chat" THEN please specify your request to proceed the trade. Discord is also allowed.
> Only Transaction I support is within this website built-in transaction function: "Give points" OR "Give Cake badge" in exchange of original artwork with no signature. But if re-sign & post it online is forbidden and will be immediately reported thank you.
>>>>>[TERMS OF SERVICE about commission]<<<<<
💬>>>Sharing ideas/Chatting/Mail to me>>>🗨️
> The only two communication I support is within this website built-in: "Note/Mail" OR "Chat" function & Discord, if any other communication path is required, please inform me there first thank you.
> Feel free to massage me about any artwork ideas or simply chatting with me there. Wide range of topic is totally allowed. I might even share you some goofy stories we've got within the foundation! 😜
> But if comment/chat is seemingly spam, advertisement, scam or toxic conversation, I will be strict and demanding you to reply within a given period of time before making the conversation invalid.
❗>>> Rules within this channel >>>❗
> I respect everyone's personal view, it's okay to dislike or being hateful. Everyone have their own thoughts and I won't force it. Just please being a bit more respectful and censor your words like: "Sh*t "or "F***" for example. Thank you~
❓>>> Questions & Answers >>>❓
> About Galleries:
- What is "Early Access"?
+ "Early Access" meant the INCOMPLETE Concept sketch was published before the coloured ones being posted public for free.
> About subscription:
- Can I access to all features if I don't subscribe to you?
+ Mostly. You can access most of them like massaging me there, giving me ideas or cooperate with me to make more amazing art work together, It's only the matter about Considering Do I have time to reply, I might missed them and priority because someone have subscribed to me so I have to do their commission first for example...
- Will you post any mature or adult content in this channel?
+ I don't think I will take publishing adult artwork in my consider. but it's a yes to mature content! So stay tuned!
> How I can contact you?
1. For desktop users:
{ If you are currently in this website, hover your mouse INTO the:"✉️" Icon range on your website TOP RIGHT corner(↗️), you can see window that provide you to sent "Noyes" OR "Chat", then choose the ones you desire and click into it.
[ For Inbox:
( Click the: "NEW NOTE" box on the TOP RIGHT corner(↗️), is visible. And the rest is obviously... very clear. Don't tell me that you never write a single email in your life bruh...
[ For Note:
( Click the: "📝" Icon on the TOP LEFT corner(↖️), Is quite small but is next to icon:"⚙️" & Below icon:"🔔". Then the website will provide you with clear instructions on how to sent note. Spent a second to get used to it, it's easy.
2. For Pad/Smart phone users:
{ Same like the desktop users, the only inconvenience is that you can't hover your "Click" since there is no mouse, cursor or even pointer! so just press into your desired choice!
❗🙋☝️Ah, hello adventurer! you have finally arrived and successfully found me the item of-
"A surprisingly small tip jar for a artwork creator"!
Congratulations! Now you may move on your life in peace!😂😂😂
(Experience +20) (Stamana +5) (Item received: A chunck of charming amber lv.5)
I really love your artwork
Thank you so much!!!❤️❤️❤️
Excuse me but I don't think that is how you politely ask people. It's the second time and I think it's time to point it out.😪
Thanks for the fav!
You are welcome.❤️😂👍
Sup SCP, i love scps.