DCP: Sissy Princess JonathanDovSherman on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dovsherman/art/DCP-Sissy-Princess-Jonathan-478355934DovSherman

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DovSherman's avatar

DCP: Sissy Princess Jonathan



"Yes, Jonathan. You shall go to the ball!"


Doesn't Jonathan just look as pretty as a princess? A little fan art for that deliciously entertaining comic series "Demon Candy Parallel" by Lorddragonmaster.

This was also my first project trying out Manga Studio as a digital inking tool. I really like how nicely it smooths out my linework from a tablet but I had a terrible time getting it to work for little, fiddly details like scalloped edges. Still some learning to do there.
Image size
618x935px 469.25 KB
© 2014 - 2025 DovSherman
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MaidLilofee's avatar

Never thought this was made by you! :D

Fantastic fan art and so near to the original artworks. <3

Thank you for sharing and keep on with your wonderful art.