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I haven't really posted a Transformers related pic since like April. That is unacceptable! XD So here is a TFP-inspired Tracks for ya!
I don't really have a fleshed out story behind this guy, but here's what I was thinking. He definitely looks a lot like a very bright, skinny version of Breakdown, and in my head, they're related... somehow. Maybe Breakdown hangs out with Knock Out because Knock Out reminds him of Tracks. Tracks' car mode is a blue corvette, and as of now, he's hella mad at the fact that he's all scratched up.

It was very fun to do this guy, and I can't wait to start designing some other bots as well! I'm planning already thinking about Mirage, Blurr, and Blaster. I was also thinking about doing the protectobots as well, but I'm a little hesitant because of the fact that they're a combiner (TFP defensor probably will destroy my life).
And omg, the season finale of TFP Season One? I think my heart stopped for a few good seconds. SO GOOD!!! Orion Pax is too adorable, and I can't wait to see how his situation pans out in season two! ^^
Cheers guys!
The series so far:

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Headcanon: Knockout and Tracks are exes, since they have so much in common personalpity wise, and Breakdown gets super jealous (also proves that Knockout clearly has a thing for orange and blue mechs)