OK, what happened for a few months... I owe yall an explanation. My health has been spiraling down dangerously after we started some works in the appartment. I was litteraly suffocating non stop and despite radio of my chest and all, nothing could be found. I kept coughing, suffocating, wheezing, to the point i spent entire nights under the shower puking. In early march, we found a HUGE black widow's cousin spiders nest... Like 40 and more individuals behind a drawer! Turns out i was allergic !!! Never had such an allergy before. Exactly, im allergic to the mushroom that grows with their web and poop. We had to clean EVERYTHING! And since i was the one doing it, my body didn't like it AT ALL... Doctor said my lungs were deeply damaged already cause it went on for so long... So it will need time to heal if it can. Since we removed the most of the nest, i can breath a bit better but i still struggle to speak and i get out of breath for nothing just like with long covid. On top of that... My grand mother died early april... She was my favorite person and mother figure... I was devastated. I had to go away for the burial and some family members went nuts and very violent... I staid a few weeks to help... But when i came back and finaly found myself alone... my psychee collapsed. I had a very violent choc, my stomach wouldn't keep anything and i had a kind of seizure. I collapsed and was legit scared i was dying. So my psy forced me to rest for a while. As the spider were still and still are, a bit around, my allergy is still going on, but i keep it in check... I feel a bit better so i try to start working again. But i'll be slow at first. "Slow" considering my speed of course. Thank you for your patience.(Also stupidly enough, I sprained my knees from coughing because I'm hyperlax lol)
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Well hey! Im glad you're alright