ED 10: ULTIMATE PSYSHOCKDoomstroyer on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/doomstroyer/art/ED-10-ULTIMATE-PSYSHOCK-901995518Doomstroyer

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ULTIMATE PSYSHOCK is the Ultimate version of Edward's "Psyshock" transformation (www.deviantart.com/doomstroyer…). This form is only available when the ultimate feature is unlocked.

Appearance: Ultimate Aura Hound is almost exactly as a shiny Mega Mewtwo Y, but with green eyes. The Omnitrix symbol that was on his stomach now is located on his head.

The same as the normal Psyshock but extremely increased, specially his speed, psychic abilities and resistance to non-physical attacks. However, his Unnerve and Pressure abilities change to:
- Insomnia: Renders him immune to sleep manipulation abilities.

The same as the normal Psyshock, but with the addition of:
- Physical Vulnerability: In exchange for the augmentation of his psychic powers, his body reduced in muscle mass and reduced his resistance to strong physical attacks.

Commentary: Since Mega-Evolutions are literally a temporary evolutionary state that supposedly evolves the Pókemon to the strongest version of themselves, I thought it was rather similar to the ultimate forms and decided to take them as such, which is why the Prototrix can transform Edward's Pókemon transformations in their mega-state without the need to mimic a mega-stone, since they are technically the evolved forms of his natural transformations. The only Pókemon transformation of Edward that is the exception is his Rayquaza transformation, but for other reasons that will be explained in that transformation profile. This form of Psyshock is only available when the "Ultimate Feature" is unlocked in the Prototrix. And yes, I know there is a Mewtwo that can mega evolve at will, but that is a different Mewtwo from the original one, who is the one Edward got the DNA sample from.

Another thing I must say is that even if there was a power trade with the normal ultimates, for example, Ultimate Swampfire losing a mayor part of his regenerative abilities in exchange for more fire power, Ultimate Humungosaur losing his ability to grow in exchange for shooting weird ass explosive bones from his hands, and Ultimate Big Chill losing my respect in exchange for a lazy design, the Ultimates created by the Protorix do not have this drawback. This is because the Azmuth that created the Prototrix learned from the mistakes made by the main Azmuth when he created the Ultimatrix and worked with another versions of himself to perfect his own Omnitrix and version of the Ultimates, since it was said even for the main Azmuth himself that the ultimates were not effective and dangerous to use, which is why he discarded the Ultimatrix in the first place. It's because of that, that Edward's ultimates are better than the originals, not losing their abilities in exchange for new ones or enhance the ones they already had. So for example, Edward's version of Ultimate Swampfire retains his amazing regenerative abilities and so on... except for Big Chill. I will have to do something about him...

I created this image and transformation, do not use it without my permission.
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Thatsuperpieceofmeat's avatar

No way it has the omnitrix in his head